History Archive
Popular discussions
April 19, 2000
- Climbers found The body of one of two mountain climbers who disappeared on Mount Logan 13 years ago may have been found.
April 18, 2000
Duncan's smile could have lit up city It was the desire for accountability and professionalism that delivered the Yukon its first Liberal government, Government Leader-elect Pat Duncan told an ecstatic party headquarters last night.
Big Red Machine steamrolls NDP Now, ’tis the spring of their discontent. That was the sentiment from the voters in Whitehorse Monday as every one of the city’s 10 ridings was awash in Liberal red to create the defeat of the reigning New Democratic Party.
April 17, 2000
Bishop’s death shocks territory Saturday’s sudden deaths of Bishop Thomas Lobsinger and Brother Hoby Spruyt have shocked the Whitehorse Diocese of the Roman Catholic Church.
January 18, 2000
Sky-high drama mesmerizes Yukoners Many Yukoners, Alaskans and northern British Columbians were rattled and mesmerized by a light in the dark morning sky at approximately 8:44.
August 25, 1999
Scientist plan analysis of remains HAINES JUNCTION - Possibly as long as 10,000 years ago, an aboriginal person, possibly a male hunter, was crossing a glacier along a trading path, when disaster struck. Somehow, he died, and his body became trapped in the ice field.
August 24, 1999
Finding remains called ‘spooky’ A British Columbia hunter who was looking for sheep last week didn’t expect to find another person from many, many years ago.
April 19, 1999
Grief-stricken staff mourn woman Regina Irena Thyrone volunteered to come to the territory as part of a personnel-sharing project between the Vancouver and Whitehorse offices of the federal Department of Justice.
April 15, 1999
Warning Issued After Dog's Deaths The RCMP and a local veterinarian are warning people in the Hidden Valley subdivision to keep their dogs at home
February 26, 1999
Brooks Becomes Youngest Quest Champion Ramy Brooks, of Healy, Alaska, became the youngest winner of the Yukon Quest, crossing the finish line along First Avenue only 10 minutes ahead of Mark May Wednesday night.
Strange, Tragic and Funny Tidbits from the '99 Quest Trail. John Schandelmeier joked during the mushers' banquet in Fairbanks before the Yukon Quest that he'd be carrying medical gear on top of his sled.
February 1, 1999
- Y2K Scare The Year 2000 Problem, also known as the Millennium Bug or Y2K, lies in the dating method used in virtually every aspect of computing. When the year rolls over at midnight on Dec. 31, many fear that date-sensitive systems will cease functioning.
January 19, 1999
Terrible, Terrible Tragedy As Hangar C burned to the ground last night at the Whitehorse airport, Al Kapty, the co-founder of Trans North Helicopters, trembled as he drove up Robert Service Way.
December 1, 1998
Inmates enjoy superb view, golf course Victoria - Waiting upstairs for the 47-year-old ex-minister's parole hearing to begin on Wednesday, Brenda McDonald, whose sister Susan was killed by Klassen three years ago, looked out the window and commented on the stunning view.
August 12, 1998
Robbery It never occurred to Francine Girouard that the two men wearing balaclavas who walked into her video store were trouble.
July 27, 1998
RCMP celebrate 125 years of service Whitehorse paid tribute to the RCMP with a church parade Sunday as part of the 125th anniversary of the famed force.
July 10, 1998
Fox Lake Fire “My lease, my cabin, and the logs I hauled all winter are gone,”