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GIRLS’ TEAM SELECTED – The female AWG hockey team was finalized after tryouts were held in late December. Photo by TEAM YUKON/STEPHEN ANDERSON-LINDSAY

Female hockey sets its 2020 AWG team

The female hockey team for the 2020 Arctic Winter Games in Whitehorse has been finalized.

By John Tonin on January 24, 2020

The female hockey team for the 2020 Arctic Winter Games in Whitehorse has been finalized. Tryouts took place in late December and head coach Candice MacEachen said the trials went well.

“We had to cut seven,” said MacEachen. “That’s a large number for the north. It’s nice to see female hockey growing. The team is a mixture of older and younger players. Some have played in the program for years and are now 18 and returning.”

Formal training has yet to begin but MacEachen said it will start picking up soon.

“It’s a different dynamic,” said MacEachen. “Girls are playing Outside or in the communities.”

This will not be MacEachen’s first time at the helm of the hockey team for an Arctic Winter Games and she expects tough competition this time around.

“Usually Alaska is strong,” said MacEachen. “Northwest Territories are tough depending on the year. I think they are fairly young but they will come out fighting.

“Arctics are a different dynamic. There is no Ontario or Quebec, or other big provinces. It depends on the year.”

During the Hay River/Fort Smith 2018 Games in N.W.T. the team just missed out on a medal placing fourth after losing in a shootout.

The Yukon team has many returning veterans from those games and MacEachen said they are determined to win an ulu.

“The team is strong,” said MacEachen. “Even during tryouts, the older girls who were so close last Arctics were talking about coming out on top. We want to carry that momentum forward.”

With the Games being in their home territory, MacEachen hopes the team will use the crowd to help fuel them to their goals.

“They will have the hometown support to push them forward,” said MacEachen. “They need to use the atmosphere in a positive way and not let things get in the way. Keep distractions to a minimum.”

For a tournament like the Arctic Winter Games, where practice is at a premium, MacEachen said she isn’t worried about team chemistry.

“The good thing is most players have played together before,” said MacEachen. “We will find the lines that work, maybe combine the players from down south. Some have the ability to connect with teammates quickly. Lots of the girls have good hockey sense.

“Behind the scenes, we are figuring out what we think we will work and when the team is on the ice we will work out the kinks.”

The team was determined on how the individual athletes ranked during player evaluations. MacEachen said this could lead to positional cross-over but she isn’t worried.

“It’s sometimes tough because you can end up with eight centres,” said MacEachen. “Most are willing to adjust for the team to succeed.”

For those wanting to watch the hockey, MacEachen outlined what the fans can expect from Team Yukon.

“It is a well-rounded team,” said MacEachen. “We have solid forwards, defence and goaltending. I’m positive they will put up a great performance.

“They are going to put up a fight until the end. They are a strong determined team that wants a medal.”

MacEachen said the team is proud to wear the Yukon jersey and wants the team to embrace everything the Games have to offer.

“Everything is in Whitehorse everything will be in one place,” said MacEachen. “They will have a chance to watch other sports and the cultural events. The Arctics are about building relationships and making friendships. It’s the whole package.”

Female hockey at the Arctics is a junior tournament. Each team is comprised of up to 17 players and two coaches.

Teams will participate in a round-robin tournament to determine seeding for medal-round pairings and then playoffs.

Comments (1)

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3 2 1 Go on Jan 28, 2020 at 1:11 pm

Why do none of these AWG stories about "who made the team" tell us "who made the team"?! It would be nice to give recognition to the individual athletes!

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