Photo by Whitehorse Star
Health and Social Services Minister Tracy McPhee and Dr. Brendan Hanley
Photo by Whitehorse Star
Health and Social Services Minister Tracy McPhee and Dr. Brendan Hanley
Yukon youth aged 12-17, get ready to roll up your sleeves.
Yukon youth aged 12-17, get ready to roll up your sleeves.
The territorial a and the chief medical officer of health, Dr. Brendan Hanley, announced today arrangements have been made to obtain enough Pfizer vaccine doses to inoculate residents in that age range.
The logistics and timing are still being worked out.
Nearly 3,000 youth are in that target age group territorially, with approximately 2,100 of them in the Whitehorse area.
The objective is to have as many of the young people vaccinated as possible to begin the school year next fall to add “another layer of protection” against the COIVD-19 virus, Hanley told this morning’s weekly media briefing.
The timeline isn’t clear as to when the vaccines will be available and clinics can begin.
New Health and Social Services Minister Tracy McPhee said she hoped the inoculations can begin within four weeks and be complete by mid-July.
The start of the clinics would correspond with the end of the current school year.
Pfizer is the first of the vaccines to be approved for that age range in Canada.
However, Hanley expects the Moderna vaccine currently being used in the Yukon will be available for youth before the end of the summer.
Initially, the Pfizer vaccine was turned down for use in the territories because it requires ultra-cold storage that made it difficult to move among communities.
Hanley said some modifications in handling and storage have resolved most of those problems, making it more useful for the Yukon.
The ultra-cold storage facilities are available in Whitehorse, but not in the communities.
“Pfizer is becoming easier to use, more similar to Moderna,” Hanley added.
According to a government news release, vaccination clinics for youth are expected to begin soon.
“Youth vaccine clinics will be held in most communities and medical travel will be supported for those places where a youth clinic is not held.”
McPhee stated in the news release, “Our youth have made incredible contributions to keep our communities safe over the course of this pandemic.
“We are excited we are now able to offer vaccines for our youth. Getting vaccinated is the best thing you can do to protect you, your family, your community and your future.”
Hanley followed up with, “As we have seen elsewhere, new variants are affecting young people more than before.
“COVID-19 can also result in long-term effects, even in young and otherwise healthy people.
“Vaccinating our young people will help keep them safe while helping to protect our whole community. I urge all youth and parents to take advantage of this opportunity to get vaccinated.”
On Tuesday, Hanley confirmed two new cases of COVID-19, bringing the territory’s total to 84 cases. There is currently one active case in the Yukon.
Case 83 involves an adult in Whitehorse and is related to international travel.
There were no public exposures.
The individual is isolating in a safe and effective manner, Hanley said.
Case 84 is a Yukon resident who acquired the infection out of the territory, was tested out of the territory and will remain Outside until they’re non-infectious.
This person is included in the Yukon count but does not raise the number of active cases in the territory.
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Comments (13)
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Concerned Parent on May 18, 2021 at 9:18 am
Something doesn't jive with the federal plans for Yukon and this announcement. The forward schedule for distribution (https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/prevention-risks/covid-19-vaccine-treatment/vaccine-rollout.html) only shows 1100 planned for the next month yet the article indicates that we have 3000 in this age group. I'm not clear how H&SS can say we will have first doses in arms by mid-June when we won't have enough vaccines for more than a third of our youth.
Up 15 Down 15
Yukoner32 on May 14, 2021 at 11:21 pm
Weird coincidence that all anti-vaxers and anti-maskers are hardcore Yukon Party supporters. Just as they all happen to support the Conservatives federally. I wonder why that is. Hmmm.
Exhibit A: Clayton Thomas, the leader of the lawsuit against covid measures and also the guy who was leading the recent protests against covid measures, just happened to be on the group message text with Currie, Wade, Stacy and Scott whereby they all made fun of women. Clearly, he is part of the insider Yukon Party fraternity. Why else would he have been included in their exclusive group text?
Up 13 Down 12
JSM on May 14, 2021 at 9:37 am
@at home, it does not rhyme... nor do I care whether you reject my views or not... you are entitled to your own opinion as am I, at least until the communist's make free speech illegal. Thanks for the comment... I guess? Lieberals and reading comprehension apparently do not go hand in hand.
Up 14 Down 8
Matthew on May 14, 2021 at 6:24 am
But wait.. doesn't Pfizer own the patented cure for AIDS... yup, the same company.. LOL I'd post the patent # but I doubt this post will even see the light of day..
Up 20 Down 11
My Opinion on May 13, 2021 at 6:38 pm
First it was 60% for Hurd immunity. Then 65 and 75 now 85. They also seem to not be counting the natural herd immunity anymore either.
So Dr. Hanley exactly what science is it that we are supposed to be following anyway? Maybe constant messaging would help.
Up 16 Down 10
My Opinion on May 13, 2021 at 6:35 pm
"Hanley said some modifications in handling and storage have resolved most of those problems, making it more useful for the Yukon." Nothing changed with Pfizer's formulation folks they simply changed the label to make them more available to a market. Pure Marketing.
Same as when one of the manufactures came out and said they had 84% efficiency and the next day the other one came out with 94%. Within a week the first one "reexamined their data" and low and behold said theirs was actually 95%. Yep, follow the science. I trust them emphatically. Not.
Up 25 Down 17
My Opinion on May 13, 2021 at 6:22 pm
So why are some people vaccine hesitant? Let's follow the Science as they say.
We have a Doctor (PHD) that says the Vaccine is safe. Is shutting down and limiting capacity in Healthy, locally owned restaurants while allowing Fast Food restaurants to operate with impunity.
In his position as Chief Medical Officer of Health he saw fit to deem Pot Stores, Liquor Stores, Smoke Shops, to be listed as essential businesses.
Now pushing for Government supplied Opioids for our addicted and sites to administer them.
So maybe with my small minded outlook on life I can't see why I would trust anything that he says. Just Say'in.
Up 28 Down 15
Jayne W on May 13, 2021 at 2:14 pm
Why are taking vaccines from provinces that NEED them right now. We are just fine here in the territory and the kids will be okay. The provinces are not fine.
Up 26 Down 15
At home in the Yukon on May 13, 2021 at 2:13 pm
Re: JSM, oooh, you found a Trumplike mock name for Moderna. If it rhymes it must be true! Pfizer and Moderna are very similar. Both are excellent vaccines. I reject your insult of the Moderna vaccine.
Up 24 Down 21
At home in the Yukon on May 13, 2021 at 2:11 pm
I am the parent of two teenage kids. The older, 18, is already vaccinated. I am hopeful that the 16-year-old can be fully vaccinated in time for a little summer travel. This is exciting news to me.
Up 30 Down 29
Max Mack on May 13, 2021 at 10:42 am
The almost celebratory tone of the sub-title and the first sentence are concerning. Are journalists simply cheerleaders for government policy?
There is NO long-term safety data on the mRNA vaccines. ZERO. NADA. ZILCH.
Meanwhile, young people (<18) are scarcely affected by COVID.
I hope parents do their own cost-benefit analysis and weigh the risks accordingly. Jab your kid with a vaccine that does not have long-term safety data, or allow them to obtain natural immunity to SARS-COV-2.
Up 33 Down 19
Wowzers on May 13, 2021 at 10:25 am
Are we really taking Pfizer vaccines from areas of Canada where at-risk adults are still unable to get even a single dose of vaccine due to supply issues?
The case of the Territories to receive the special treatment we have was based on our health systems being inadequate for handling even a small surge in cases. The data doesn't seem to support that case for this age range compared the our fellow Canadians down south who still do not qualify.
We get a lot from folks down south as it is. Taking even more like this is kind of gross.
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JSM on May 13, 2021 at 7:41 am
Wow, wish they offered the Pfizer for everyone. Would have much rather over the medieval Moderna. Do your research kids.