Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

PUBLIC ASSISTANCE SOUGHT – The owners of the Chilkoot Trail Inn, seen this morning, have reached out to the Yukon government for assistance in planning the Fourth Avenue building’s future role in the community.

Parties register differing views on inn’s fate

The saga of the Chilkoot Trail Inn provoked some very different responses from the territory’s three political parties on Tuesday.

By Tim Giilck on April 13, 2022

The saga of the Chilkoot Trail Inn provoked some very different responses from the territory’s three political parties on Tuesday.

The Fourth Avenue inn has been under renovation since February.

A representative of its owners have sent a letter to the Yukon government asking for help with the work and in setting up a management structure to accommodate the large number of its social assistance clients it has provided housing for.

Yvonne Clarke of the Yukon Party raised the matter during question period, referencing the letter the government received a month ago.

“Following damage caused by a fire, the Whitehorse Fire Department issued a notice to vacate the Chilkoot Trail Inn due to numerous building code issues,” she said.

“The residents of the Chilkoot Trail Inn are almost all social assistance clients and have few, if any, other options for housing.”

At the time, Clarke recalled, the Department of Health and Social Services announced it would work with NGOs, such as the Safe at Home Society, to find temporary housing solutions for the residents.

“The owners of the Chilkoot Trail Inn have written to the government to ask for support to make the Chilkoot Trail Inn a safer place to live over the long term,” Clarke said.

“How has the government responded to this request? The letter from the owners of the Chilkoot Trail Inn makes a fairly clear appeal to the government. To quote from the letter: ‘we are specifically requesting funding to assist with the above-noted repairs with the understanding that the repaired CTI can once again be used as affordable housing for clients who otherwise are difficult to house.’”

The owners have also said they have been told they’re ineligible for Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. (CMHC) or Yukon Housing Corp. funding, Clarke said.

“So, is the government considering providing funding to allow this building to continue to operate the 39 units of affordable housing?”

As well, the letter suggests a partnership with an NGO to provide management services, creating the most efficient way to manage the inn.

It isn’t clear if any of those organizations, such as the Safe at Home Society, has been contacted by the owners or if there is any interest on their part.

Health and Social Services Minister Tracy-Anne McPhee tackled Clarke’s question.

“When the Department of Health and Social Services became aware of the closure of that building, staff immediately began to explore options to help tenants with community partners, including the Yukon Housing Corporation, the Safe at Home Society, Crown and Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada, the Kwanlin Dün First Nation, and other community service partners,” she said.

“Health and Social Services provided communication for individuals who were impacted by the closure and notified them of available supports and the services that they could avail themselves of,” McPhee added.

“This was distributed in mid-January with the alignment of the eviction notices, and individuals who sought support for relocation were moved to other accommodations.”

She said her department officials are “closely monitoring the impacts of the move of individuals from that particular location and supporting the clients who are clients of Social Services to continue to be available, and throughout that process, we can indicate that the Chilkoot Trail Inn had rental agreements with 30 individuals, as far as we are aware, 18 of whom were supported by the social supports branch at Health and Social Services at the time of the eviction.”

While the department may have paid the rents of social assistance clients living at the inn, the minister added, it did not have a funding arrangement with the inn nor any role in its operation.

Clarke noted the owners’ letter asked the government to facilitate a partnership with a local NGO, like Safe at Home, to manage the building on their behalf.

“The owners acknowledge in the letter that this would result in a more effective, safer controlled environment for the tenants and help ensure that inevitable property damage is minimized,” Clarke said. “Is the government considering supporting this request?”

Ranj Pillai, the minister responsible for the Yukon Housing Corp., stepped up to answer the question.

“We are being very respectful of all levels of government, including the City of Whitehorse and local First Nations,” he said.

“There is a long history around this particular property. There has been lots of concern around this property.

“Moving forward, we will do the appropriate due diligence that we need to do. I don’t think that anybody within the City of Whitehorse or our community wants to see some of the challenges that have happened in the past happen again.

“We will make appropriate decisions and bring them back to the house when the time is appropriate,” Pillai concluded.

After question period, Yukon Party Leader Currie Dixon compared the situation to the deal struck last year to transfer the ownership of the Coast High Country Inn to the Safe at Home Society to be used for supportive housing.

Dixon said the letter from the Chilkoot Inn is similar in nature to that project, and suggested the Yukon government should look at it in the same way.

The NDP, however, rejects the idea the government should play any role in a private business like the Chilkoot.

Leader Kate White said the Chilkoot Inn has been problematic and sub-standard for years, adding that residents on social assistance deserve better.

Pillai also spoke to reporters, reiterating his comments from the legislature.

He said the government won’t be prepared to formally consider the concept without a “solid business plan” that met the requirements of the CMHC or a similar institution.

That suggests the government is not prepared to make any exemptions or accommodations to the Chilkoot owners.

Under the existing system, hotels are not eligible for assistance without meeting those requirements, or partnering with non-government organizations such as the Safe at Home Society.

Comments (47)

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Sad and now F’d&homeless on Oct 20, 2022 at 5:14 pm

There was nowhere for any of us to go, some left town, some actually died as a direct result of the fire dept who made a decision in anger and knew how to manipulate the situation so they could never give us our home back. Yes, the Chillkoot is a major crap hole, but the fire dept had the option to at least work with the owners, he had a duty to do so, as does the Yukon govt, now I live somewhere even worse with no amenities AT ALL, so I guess all I really want is to just say thank you to all of you, (well most of you) I have a lot of medical and emotional issues and am unlikely to actually survive all this now, the streets here are more dangerous than a lot of big cities in some ways. And as far as those of us who didn’t make it are now nothing more than a statistic that no one could give a crap about, except of course for some of the ngo’s, a million thanks for trying to help despite all the brick walls you must come across. My prayers and hopes for all affected, especially since they did this before winter. That alone was evil.

Up 4 Down 0

Oya on Apr 21, 2022 at 9:11 am

@ John I asked you to change my mind, but you don't come back with ANYTHING except to call me down saying I have no knowledge of what's going on.
What I do know, because I am a landlord myself, is that after collecting rent for years and years, there SHOULD, if it's managed properly, be enough funds to stay compliant with the regs.
So please spare me your judgmental thoughts. I am simply stating what I know to be true from my OWN personal landlord experiences.
How long have they owned that dump? Now do the math.... $1000 per room per month, how many rooms? So where did those gobs and gobs of money go, cause sure as sh**, it didn't go back into the building!
Exactly what part do I have wrong? Are they a non-profit or are they FOR profit? It ALL boils down to that, and if you're running an NGO, you should know that!!!

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john on Apr 20, 2022 at 12:24 pm

@ Oya.. thanks for your personal opinions and racial undertones. It is obvious you have no knowledge of what's going on. We are not interested in having conversations with you.

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Oya on Apr 19, 2022 at 4:39 pm

@ Max Mack With the exception of the FN Dev Corps (and I'll refrain from making any comments about how they are able to qualify for assistance but other profit-making entities aren't), the organizations you mention are NON-PROFIT community service types.
This slum is not a non-profit community type organization. It is a business looking to make profit. That ALONE should exclude it from gov assistance to renovate/rebuild.
It was the landlord's choice to let that slum get so run down (likely too cheap to spend the money when they should have) that required the gov to close the place down to potentially SAVE THE LIVES of those people who stayed in there.
You're making the owners here, that have likely been raking in the bucks for years and years and years without doing the work required to keep the place safe, out to be victims. I think you might need to revisit the issue.
I bet they have GOBS and GOBS of money in the bank (savings from NOT spending money on whatever fire stuff they were required to do) or that was sent home to family in another country. Maybe slums are the norm where they're from. Maybe it's acceptable in their culture to have people living in death traps where the business owner still profits. Maybe there's no fire regs in the old country. I don't give a damn. That's not how we do it here. I have absolutely NO sympathy for these owners.
Cry me a river and give your head a shake while you're at it, Max. Government money should NOT be going to a business entity for these reasons.
And I'm shaking my head at the Yukon Party for taking this on. Maybe Yvonne accidentally picked up the blue sign when she should have been grabbing the orange one. I confirm I am not in her riding; I did not vote for her.

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TheHammer on Apr 19, 2022 at 10:59 am

John@ "I'm pretty sure this is not a money making racket." No one in their right mind that is not on SA would rent a room in this Inn. SA clients are the only people they can get. How much is the monthly rent on a room? "Community service"! They are not doing anyone any favors.

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YD on Apr 19, 2022 at 10:26 am

@bonanzajoe on Apr 15

You only ever hear about those on social assistance who cause damage to rental units. This is the exception. Most people on social assistance take good care of their units. Ask any social assistance worker.

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Max Mack on Apr 18, 2022 at 7:37 pm


This landlord is probably spending $100s of $1000s to satisfy the Fire Marshall's demands.

This is not money that they can magically recover from the tenants that they were FORCED to evict. Rents will either have to go up -- which likely removes this facility from the reach of their clientele -- or gov will have to step in to provide a subsidy . . . kinda like what gov is doing for "densified housing" and "safe at home society" and Challenge and FN dev corps and all other new "affordable" housing construction.

Bottom line. It was not the owners' choice to evict their tenants and spend gobs of money they don't have. It was gov's choice. Welcome to being a landlord in the Yukon -- your profits are totally at the whim of the gov. Meanwhile, you can't increase your rent beyond "inflation".

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Oya on Apr 18, 2022 at 11:22 am

@ John I don't think I have it all wrong. I would support an NGO buying this place and providing that service to this segment of the population that needs this kind of help, in exactly the same way the Safe Home people have done with the HCI. Now, I do think they paid way too much for that place and I think NVD found the "golden egg", if you will, but I recognize there is a need and the old HCI will fill some of that need. If you run an NGO and want to buy that place and fix it up, I'm behind you all the way.
I stand by my words that:
a) private landlords are not NGO's or the social services dept, and as such, it is not the role of private landlords to necessarily fill that need (there are also many other segments of the population that also need rental accommodations). It is the government's role to provide such services, imo.
b) this hotel is owned privately; i.e. it is a private business. It is, imo, trying to act like it is some kind of wonderful caring entity so as to access government funding, when the bottom line for ALL businesses, is to make a profit. If they are not in business to make a profit, then maybe they should lose the business license and set themselves up as a non-profit. I would have no problem (well. to a certain extent anyway) for the gov to help them fix up that slum IN THE EVENT THEY WERE A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION.
In my view, these owners want their cake, they want it iced, cut and served to them while being fanned with gratitude for their oh-so-caring ways (while waiting for those social assistance funds to roll in regularly). The fact they won't even identify themselves also speaks volumes to me.
Again, I don't think I have it all wrong. Change my mind.

Up 27 Down 6

Dallas on Apr 17, 2022 at 6:06 pm

There is no such thing as affordable housing and socialism works until it runs outa other peoples money…Liberals and NDP supporters start opening up your homes - hahaha.

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John on Apr 17, 2022 at 1:06 pm

@oya… you got it all wrong, there's a segment of the population that will always need to be supported by government. I guess some of us running ngo’s see this reality and we appreciate people who try and help. I'm pretty sure this is not a money making racket but more like a community service. Where else would you like this segment of the population to live? You already stated you wouldn’t help! And it appears the Liberal NDP coalition feels the same way you do.

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Oya on Apr 16, 2022 at 4:57 pm

@John Now, why would I want to remove all my good tenants who pay on time and don't trash the place in favour of people who, according to you, have mental illness and are likely to trash my place? Sorry, not the kind of establishment I want to own or run.
If this goes through, the gov will be providing incentive to turn rentals into slums so the landlord can get free money to fix up the place. Does that really make sense to you?
I'm sorry for these peoples' plight, but I am not the social services department.
And I do not support my tax dollars going to private individuals who own rentals no matter who they rent to. Social assistance for the tenant, ok. Free money for the landlord and owner of this or any other rental building? I don't think so.
Just imagine what the value of that lot is. They could take a loan out against the value of the land and fix up the slum (or rebuild would likely be cheaper) and still write off the interest on the loan and the construction costs, etc.
Maybe they could pretend for a minute that they're NVD and sell it for $10M! People who hate landlords should realize private landlords are not the social services department. Landlords actually provide a service to the community whether you want to admit it or not.

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Richard Ablanalp on Apr 16, 2022 at 2:25 pm

Why are the owners of this place hiding ?
They need to come forward and justify getting our money to fix their private business.

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Lynx on Apr 16, 2022 at 2:24 pm

If the Yukon Party is wanting the government to fund this hotel for SA people, there must be some kind of connection to the owners. Maybe the owners are donors to the Yukon Party or something. Some kind of crony connection. Otherwise I don't understand why they would be advocating for this. I hope the Liberals don't give in.

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good old yukon sense of entitlement on Apr 16, 2022 at 9:11 am

ariediger asked "Just who are the owners of this bldg.?"
not NVD or the deal would have been already made, lol. But joke aside, it's owned by a local (slumlord) family.
I can't believe that the YP is supporting this request. the landlord pocketed myrades of money and is now crying for government to help?

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drum on Apr 15, 2022 at 6:52 pm

Social Assistance clients. Guaranteed income for years - now they want taxpayers to foot the bill. I do not think so!!!!!! Who owns this building?

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bonanzajoe on Apr 15, 2022 at 4:51 pm

YD on Apr 14, When you're dealing with housing people on social assistance, it is just too expensive to keep up constantly repairing damage. Better to just let it go to a rats nest then shut it down. Sue the government for repairs and start over. I really don't know why so many of those on social assistance have no regard for the value for what is given them. If they can't look after that which is given them free, then build cheap cabins in the bush and move them out there.

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David on Apr 15, 2022 at 4:40 pm

This hotel is in such bad shape that it would cost more to renovated it than it could cost to build a new one. Even the land may sell for almost nothing, as the cost of tearing this building down and hauling away the waste would be enormous.

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Groucho d'North on Apr 15, 2022 at 3:08 pm

I think the past 20 years have clearly demonstrated there is no risk of making too many places for people to call home - be it ever so humble. I doubt there will ever be another slack period in Yukon's housing demand and a seller's market will not prevail. Today's money is cheaper than tomorrow's money so pull all the thumbs out and make some solutions to what we all know is going to continue. It's OUR money you are bumbling away.

Up 18 Down 7

Crazy Train… Alllll aboard!! on Apr 15, 2022 at 12:25 pm

Dear - Racism at its best on Apr 14, 2022 at 9:56 pm:

You are saying things that Y-56 did not say as if Y-56 did actually say them. Your inference is your racism which you project back at Y-56. There are medications that can dampen one’s natural proclivities for delusional thinking processes. However, it is recommended that individuals with delusional thinking are better served by getting some Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).

It’s my understanding that the incidence of delusional thinking styles is greater within governments, especially Liberal governments, and that is why there is a need for the health/mental health benefits offered by YG… You do not have to crazy to work here, we will train you!

Up 17 Down 6

John on Apr 14, 2022 at 10:06 pm

@oya and hammer ..,so you let clients into your units at all hours of the night, often wasted, desperate or scared, often with little or no money, offer support and understanding instead of calling police when significant damage is done because mental health? And you think this is a money maker? I think some of you and govy people should come come downtown sometimes and see what our ngo’s are doing, or better yet open up your units to these clients…i didn't think so.

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Racism at its best on Apr 14, 2022 at 9:56 pm

Pretty racist comment. Maybe go for a walk in the dt area and really see that NOT all homeless people are FN's
Pretty rude comment get ur facts straight before u comment

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ariediger on Apr 14, 2022 at 5:28 pm

Just who are the owners of this bldg.?

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TheHammer on Apr 14, 2022 at 5:26 pm

The owners made a fortune out of SA clients and never put a penny into maintenance. Now they want a fortune to fix it up. Let it rot, list it as condemned, and let the owners live with their creation. There's motels all the way down the West Coast in a state of dereliction owned by the same nationalities. Do you think US municipalities are going to throw money in their direction? Not a chance. I've pulled into Motels in the states in a worst state than the Chilkoot Make the owners pay for demolition and let them sell the land.

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Lost In the Yukon on Apr 14, 2022 at 4:41 pm

Kate White’s time has come and gone … as a off-brand constituency focused politician she found her niche but as a leader of a party she has unfortunately been exposed as lacking the skill set to govern. It is time for her to take her e-bike and pension and move on. Liz Hansen was much maligned as leader for her style but she had the intellectual chops to do the job. In her last territorial election campaign as leader she ran circles around Silver and Pasloski in the debates … she knew the issues and had concrete practical answers. She would never have pushed for a rent freeze without having fully researched it and extensively consulted.

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Mitch Holder on Apr 14, 2022 at 2:32 pm

@ Dave - maybe that can be our new walk in clinic of excuses in two post national languages.

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Mitch Holder on Apr 14, 2022 at 2:31 pm

The Real Just Sayin' - up to 26 and you want to lecture anyone about settling down these days? You can dislike whatever you want about me, go down to the Center for Hope and tell those people you disagree with them. No?....

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Oya on Apr 14, 2022 at 2:27 pm

@ David I don't think a sale is on the table here. I think the owners want the gov to pay to fix up the run-down slum of a hotel, so the owners can keep collecting the social assistance cheques.

Well, I have a rental building, too, that needs some repairs done and I also house subsidized tenants. Granted, I don't let my place deteriorate like that slum, but still.... if they get free money, I want some too!

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Mitch Holder on Apr 14, 2022 at 12:42 pm

Wow, I got 26 people who would rather dislike my post than acknowledge the inequity of their own community. When YTG imports defunct failures from other provinces and territories, it shows. It shows in the dislikes of the realities of Liberal governance as reported here. Rather than express your irrelevant opinion of my opinion, why don't you just not fail us in the first place, as we pay for? Enjoy the ski hill while your town turns into a garbage dump under your tenure. These people deserve better than this government, frankly, we all do. Go ahead and disagree with or dislike that reality, it says more about you than it does about me.

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YD on Apr 14, 2022 at 11:38 am

bonanzajoe, you could end up on social assistance under the right circumstances. As a social worker, I can attest to the fact that many hard working and responsible people have ended up on social assistance because life happened to them:
- Unexpected job loss
- Unexpected chronic illness
- Unexpected loss of a spouse/partner, making somebody a single parent

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Deputy Minister Health and Social Services on Apr 14, 2022 at 10:51 am

Silly Yukoners. This isn't owned by NVD so why would the Liberals buy it with your money?

Anyone notice that the guy who brokered the deal for the Liberals to buy the High Country Inn was rewarded with a gig as Deputy Minister for Health and Social Services?

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Jim on Apr 14, 2022 at 10:12 am

So Kate and Ranj don’t seem to have a problem with spending 15 million on a hotel to have around 50 units for the vulnerable. But wash their hands of it when it comes to a building that has accommodated 39. Is it because it’s not as grand of gesture as the Coast hotel? Is it because NVD doesn’t own the Chilkoot? Maybe NVD should buy it at fire sale price and flip it to the government for another 10 million. But seriously, when homelessness is such a problem for Whitehorse you would think YTG would do all they can to keep the stock they have.

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YukonMax on Apr 14, 2022 at 9:18 am

No doubt some private interests are lobbying big time.

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The Real Just Sayin' on Apr 14, 2022 at 8:54 am

Make that 20 (and counting) that disagree with your comment, Mitch. Settle down, bud, and be content with having people disagree with you.

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YD on Apr 14, 2022 at 8:50 am

While not impossible, it would take a lot of convincing for the owners to earn my trust, as they (from my understanding) allowed the building to fall into an unacceptable/unhealthy state when it was open. Many vulnerable people lived in those units.

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David on Apr 14, 2022 at 12:44 am

The government is well positioned to purchase the Chilkoot, just like has happened in Vancouver's Downtown East Side.

This way they can ensure that top standards of care are being met for those who really need it.
Staff the Chilkoot with qualified health and social support personnel so that residents have the best possible chance of getting back on their feet.

BTW, there are many different governments that can help here.

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Max Mack on Apr 13, 2022 at 11:03 pm

Politics and corruption in this town is driving me mad. Why is no one calling this out?

The Liberal/NDP alliance is clearly trying to force Chilkoot Inn out of the rental market, in the midst of a so-called affordable housing crisis and in the middle of winter. The Fire Marshall just suddenly decided on his own initiative it was a good time to shut 'er down? I call b.s.

Perhaps the Liberal/NDP alliance was hoping the owners would sell instead of renovating. That way, one of their preferred developers could pick up the property at a discount and build heavily subsidized housing units at taxpayer expense.

It is laughable to hear the NDP say it "rejects the idea the government should play any role in a private business like the Chilkoot." Meanwhile, the Lib/NDP alliance is shovelling untold millions into developers' pockets. Or, how about the tens of millions being poured into the supposedly independent Safe at Home Society?

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Yukoner32 on Apr 13, 2022 at 10:39 pm

So the Yukon Party is demanding that the government spend public dollars to fix up the privately owned Chilkoot Inn, so that people on social assistance have a nicer place to live? Since when did the Yukon Party become a champion for people on welfare living in run down hotels? Are there any real conservatives left in that party?

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Jane on Apr 13, 2022 at 8:22 pm

Just spoke to a former resident of Chilkoot and told her what Kate said. She replied” tell Kate ya right, i deserve better than a room with a locked door, my own bathroom and heat- like sleeping on someone elses couch scared all night of being used or sleeping on the ground outside in a tent, or in the back of a cold car”. I won't add the rest of what she said.

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Nathan Living on Apr 13, 2022 at 7:04 pm

Sure it can be repaired so it's safer but it may be too expensive to really fix it up.

Mayor and council should really wade in on dealing with homelessness within the City.

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yukon56 on Apr 13, 2022 at 5:31 pm

Why does the the FN establish a healing and residential facility not in downtown where they can help the homeless. Such a disregard for their vulnerable.

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bonanzajoe on Apr 13, 2022 at 5:07 pm

Leader Kate White said, that residents on social assistance deserve better. Huhh? What the H E double hockey sticks have these people contributed to society? I'm sure Katy has a big house, and with her generous tax payer income, how about she put a couple of them up. Put your charity where your mouth is Katy.

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Bud McGee on Apr 13, 2022 at 5:04 pm

Do the owners of the motel not have building insurance to cover fire damage?

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bonanzajoe on Apr 13, 2022 at 5:03 pm

"social assistance clients". That says it all.

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Mitch Holder on Apr 13, 2022 at 4:45 pm

And to the two plebs who disagree with my comment, how many homeless people are living at your house?

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Joanne on Apr 13, 2022 at 4:25 pm

The existing system is that if you're not NVD, you don't get any money.

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Dave on Apr 13, 2022 at 3:47 pm

This is a historical building. I’m surprised the liberals aren’t forcing them to sell to parks Canada.
Parks could then do bilingual tours, and storytelling.

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Mitch Holder on Apr 13, 2022 at 2:47 pm

So, which flower and day can we expect city council to choose to raise awareness for the obvious? There should not be homelessness in the sub arctic of Canada. Put them up at your house Cabott and prove your progressiveness to this community.

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