Photo by Whitehorse Star
Brad Cathers
Photo by Whitehorse Star
Brad Cathers
A new poll conducted by the largest Canadian-owned market research and analytics company has the governing territorial Liberals trailing well back of the front running Yukon Party.
A new poll conducted by the largest Canadian-owned market research and analytics company has the governing territorial Liberals trailing well back of the front running Yukon Party.
As described by the official Opposition party, the Léger poll – which the party commissioned and which involved 500 responders – “has found Yukoners have lost confidence in the territorial Liberal government.”
The survey asked, “If the Yukon election were held today, which party’s candidate would you vote for? Would it be...?
“(If undecided), which of the territorial parties are you leaning, even slightly, toward supporting at this time?”
Léger discovered the Liberals are polling at 23 per cent, down from 28 per cent last January.
The Yukon Party is currently polling at 45 per cent, with the NDP at 30 per cent.
The Léger poll shows that just 11 per cent of voters are undecided.
“This most recent poll, conducted after Premier (Sandy) Silver announced his retirement, demonstrates that even knowing a change of leadership is coming, Yukoners have lost faith in the Liberals,” said Brad Cathers, the Yukon Party’s Democratic Institutions critic.
“Less than one quarter of Yukoners support the territorial Liberal government.”
The poll results come after the territorial Liberals “have ignored the cost of living crisis, failed to address the doctor shortage, mismanaged the education system, and fumbled their response to the need for more housing lots,” the Yukon Party said.
(As the Star reported last week, at that time, the government released a series of measures designed to help Yukoners cope with the rising cost of living.)
“Yukoners want a government that is focused on their priorities, including making life more affordable,” added Cathers.
“The Yukon Party will continue to focus on the issues that are important to Yukoners, and on solutions that respond to people’s needs and priorities.”
This morning, the Star asked cabinet communications staff for reaction to the findings.
“We will not be commenting on a Yukon Party-commissioned poll,” was the response.
Léger conducted its phone interviews with the 500 Yukoners between Sept. 12 and 21.
The survey research was conducted by live-agent telephone data collection from Léger’s virtual call centre in Winnipeg.
The results of this study are accurate +/- 4.35 per cent, 19 times out of 20.
The survey was jointly developed by Léger and the Yukon Party.
The interviews averaged about seven minutes in length. The sample was developed by Léger and consisted of a combination landline and wireless records.
All surveys were conducted in English.
Quotas were set to ensure a proper balance of interviews were conducted with men and women.
In addition, the final data have been weighted to ensure they accurately reflect the age and gender based on federal voter turnout incidence in the territory.
Léger has more than 600 employees working in eight Canadian and U.S. offices.
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Comments (48)
Up 0 Down 1
Mark Henderson on Feb 12, 2023 at 9:24 am
Next election will be
YP: 8
NDP: 8
LIB: 3
Liberals prop up NDP
Up 4 Down 1
John on Oct 8, 2022 at 2:25 pm
@ Oya
My friend I think you got your ranking mixed up, The ranking is YP @ 45%, NDP @ 30%, YLP @ 23%
Must suck to be the YLP...
Up 9 Down 3
Oya on Oct 7, 2022 at 2:47 pm
The NDP is in third place for good reason. My only surprise is that they're not tied at third place with the Libs.
Up 11 Down 5
True Blue on Oct 7, 2022 at 11:08 am
You are just trying to throw dirt at the conservatives by saying they are the same as the other parties.
I don't believe that. And if for a second I think the federal conservatives or local conservatives are moving to the left and becoming the democrats, I will drop them like a hit potato. I recently returned to the party because I trust they will stand up for conservative values. If they don't, I will gladly support the People's Party federally and the Yukon Freedom Party here in Yukon.
Up 4 Down 6
Patti Eyre on Oct 7, 2022 at 9:04 am
@ pork barrel: truth to power! if it's 20K per year, how long has he been doing this and milking the tax payer?
Up 15 Down 2
Just Sayin' on Oct 7, 2022 at 7:34 am
Let's just be clear, all our politicians are overpaid.
Up 24 Down 8
Pelly River Rat on Oct 6, 2022 at 1:14 pm
Cute that hordes of millennials and gen z kids from Ontario and BC living here consider the Canadian conservatives and Yukon YP “extreme right right ring.” Time to get off tik tok and start reading books. Canadian conservatives are as right ring as the democrats. Time to quit projecting your intellectual inferiority complex on a reality that is simply not true. As you’ll be too lazy to actually explore the above, I’ve done some work for you, citing the lighthouse of liberal psyops in Canada, CBC:
Up 18 Down 21
Pork barrel on Oct 5, 2022 at 6:46 pm
Brad claims around $20k per year in per diems to drive his payment princess in from LeBerge. Plus, lunch is covered because ‘he’s on the road’.
True story.
Up 7 Down 10
Observer on Oct 5, 2022 at 6:43 pm
GD, no digging dirt just stating the sad fact that some tend to be a bit hypocritical, when it comes to affording things.
You always struck me as a Brad supporter, thanks for the confirmation.
Up 39 Down 10
No party status please… We deserve it! on Oct 5, 2022 at 5:14 pm
The Liberals do not deserve 3rd place… They should have “no place”. Do the world a solid and vote them out of existence - NO Party status is what they deserve and so do we!
Up 16 Down 35
Yukon Party and Federal Conservatives? on Oct 5, 2022 at 3:32 pm
No thanks - I always vote Yukon Party in territorial elections. But if they somehow become aligned with that doofus that just got elected as federal Conservative leader, I'll find someone else to vote for, or spoil my ballot. Thankfully, a lot can change in 3 years and I'm hoping it's for the better, both federally and in the territory
Up 32 Down 11
NeilAlexGeddy on Oct 5, 2022 at 1:47 pm
Have a look at the Nanos federal poll released today.
The poll released by the YP is a microcosm of a larger shift of the electorate on a federal scale. The average Canadian who is contemplating whether to eat or pay the heating bill is not going to vote for another term of a party that has been holding on by its finger nails, propped up by an unofficial opposition.
So all you Liberal cheerleaders had better pray that a recession isn't around the corner, and that the voter forgets about housing and the cost of living at the ballad box.
Up 30 Down 9
Groucho d'North on Oct 5, 2022 at 1:11 pm
@ Observer
Oh I got your point and like a few others here it appears to suggest there is some kind of underhanded activity by Mr. Cathers for using the benefits of the job all parties agree to. These rules are scrutinzed by Legislative staff who process the claims of each MLA to ensure fairness and adherence to the rules of the day. Unless you are suggesting the staff are somehow involved in something nefarious,
I see your accusations as being desperate and pointless in your attempts to dig up dirt on Mr. Cathers. Yes I will be voting for Brad in the next election, he has earned my vote.
Up 17 Down 24
Observer on Oct 5, 2022 at 11:37 am
GD, I think you missed the point. Lake Labarge is 25 miles from Whitehorse, lots of folks drive into town everyday from there to work in Whitehorse. Don't think any of them get travel and per diem, yet Brad claims it.
Up 14 Down 30
Eiw on Oct 5, 2022 at 10:39 am
The YP wrote and commissioned their own poll? Buahahaha.
In related news Cathers asks his mom who is the most handsome man in town.
You are Bradley. You are the most handsome she replied.
Up 9 Down 14
Patti Eyre on Oct 4, 2022 at 6:22 pm
So many polls so few options.
Up 25 Down 3
Groucho d'North on Oct 4, 2022 at 3:39 pm
Every MLA recieves the same benefits. Some don't get as much in travel expenses because the out of town members will often have taxpayers rent them an apartment instead.
Mr. Cathers has claimed the benefit the longest because he has been elected numerous times and served his constituents the longest. That's the comparison that should be studied in some detail.
But for details on their pay and benefits see here: https://yukonassembly.ca/resources/members-salaries-and-benefits
Up 14 Down 6
Groucho d'North on Oct 4, 2022 at 3:30 pm
@Everybody’s doin’ it
The federal libs bought mainstream Canadian media to sing the song the way they want it so no need for those nasty polls.
"And I said gentlemen, and I use that word loosely
I will testify for you, I'm a gun for hire, I'm a saint, I'm a liar
Because there are no facts, there is no truth
Just data to be manipulated
I can get you any result you like
What's it worth to you?..."
Garden of Allah - Don Henley
Up 27 Down 11
Ben on Oct 4, 2022 at 3:23 pm
Perfect. Hopefully the libs don’t manage to deceive too many folks into voting for them before 2025.
Up 11 Down 25
George on Oct 4, 2022 at 3:23 pm
Odd to see Brad Cathers commenting and not the leader. I guess Richie Rich aka Currie Dixon is in Hawaii yet again?
Up 11 Down 13
Totally real name on Oct 4, 2022 at 1:45 pm
Interesting how one person can claim to work with Leger then say it's not conflict for them to work for and answer the pill questions.
This is the literal definition of stacking the deck. It's manipulation at its lowest and if it was for the left you'd be crying for years.
How does everyone here continue on about their lives while also being a massive victim. Is making everything political working for your happiness?
It appears not...
Up 12 Down 24
Totally real name on Oct 4, 2022 at 1:40 pm
I'm sure the same 5 people on here will love me saying that this is actually the only poll with team extreme right wing leading.
Don't look at the other 4. This one. This is the one to get hyped about.
Not a lot of new blood on this anonymous small town new tabloid comment section.
Could be all the heavy moderation or the fact that nobody under 60 reads newspapers.
Enjoy your puff piece but also temper expectations.
Up 21 Down 28
TheHammer on Oct 4, 2022 at 11:15 am
I refused to participate. In a democracy you are not supposed to tell people who you are voting for. Take the example of the voting in Ukraine to join Russia! We are dealing in these polls with the enemies of democracy, either that or just plain ignorance, motivated by self interest. " Even sages cannot cope with a man who is after fame or gain."
Up 27 Down 19
Everybody’s doin’ it on Oct 4, 2022 at 10:47 am
Far be it from the Libtards to pay for a poll stacked in their favour. 😂
Up 33 Down 32
Observer on Oct 4, 2022 at 10:01 am
Yukoners want a government that is focused on their priorities, including making life more affordable,” added Cathers. Does that mean Cathers will support all Lake Labarge people that work in Whitehorse having their travel costs and per diem covered, like he has had since becoming MLA?
Up 52 Down 14
Huh? on Oct 4, 2022 at 9:18 am
Thick wool - do YOU know how polling works? I have worked with Leger in the past, through work and this poll is no different than any I have seen in the past.
Leger is reputable, and the person or organization that requests the polling does not write the questions. I received a call - I did the poll. It wasn't skewed for anyone to win. I gave my answers, and the opposition was not acting manipulative.
ALL parties do polling. It is part of the election cycle, and important to all parties. If anything, this might make the government pull their socks up.
Up 23 Down 41
unReal on Oct 4, 2022 at 7:36 am
"The survey was jointly developed by Léger and the Yukon Party."
Say no more!
Up 41 Down 16
Joe Bowers on Oct 3, 2022 at 10:40 pm
Well there Thick Wool on Oct 3, 2022 at 4:24 pm:
This is your argument - “However, when the opposition acts in a disreputable and manipulative manner, the current regime comes off looking like the least crazy choice.”
You complain about an allegedly falsified/manipulated poll by the YP and suggest that the Liberals are a better choice because of it yet we have an illegitimate Territorial Liberal government with McPhee having been voted off the island for having put vulnerable children at risk and then being less than truthful about it.
You have a Liberal PM who cavorts around the globe for the seemingly sole purpose of embarrassing Canada while racking up some serious number of ethics violations with one of them being interference in the administration of Justice on behalf of his corporate buddies… Nice bait and switch there.
Yes, the YP’s poll, manipulated or not, is what voters are going to cling to? Welcome to the Idiocracy… Can I assume that you are in a leadership position? Is this your dog whistle to round up all those low IQ masses to vote for the intellectually vapid man boy with nice hair and socks?
You have to be some kind of histrionic, borderline personality disordered, crazy sociopathic sycophant with an intellectual disability to vote Liberal again. In fact, voting Liberal should be on a self-harm checklist for all psych wards. Any person who voted Liberal
should be deemed treatment refractory and medicated into submission and separated from society in a secure unit - FFS!
Thick wool indeed - You will want to pull that back from your eyes then - eh?
Up 43 Down 22
Yukon Proud on Oct 3, 2022 at 10:35 pm
No surprises here.
Everyone who has a pulse on society knows that Yukoners are fed up with the government focusing on climate change and that reconciliation non-sense with first nations.
People want more freedom and tax cuts and this poll proves it. The next election can't come soon enough and I look forward to the conservatives wiping the floor with the Liberals and the crazy genderless NDP.
It's kind of ironic how the mainstream media has been saying that politicians should not support the freedom convoy and the anti-vaxx movement because it will kill their election chances. Well the joke is on them because we are on the verge of having our parties in charge of both the federal AND territorial governments! Currie Dixon and Pierre Poilievre will make a great team for freedom!!
Up 45 Down 18
jack on Oct 3, 2022 at 10:19 pm
The Liberals are so bad that if I created a new party tomorrow, they'd be in fourth place by the end of the day.
Up 24 Down 10
Wilf Carter on Oct 3, 2022 at 10:02 pm
Anyone could see this coming with NDP in second place.
Up 36 Down 11
bonanzajoe on Oct 3, 2022 at 8:22 pm
I'm very surprised the NDP got so much. But if they continue their support of the Libs for the next 3 years, we won't have to worry about them getting even 3 votes.
Up 37 Down 12
bonanzajoe on Oct 3, 2022 at 8:21 pm
@Thick Wool on Oct 3, 2022: Let's have the Libs and NDP conduct a poll and show us the results. Maybe they already have and are too ashamed to show the results.
Up 23 Down 14
Chuck Farley on Oct 3, 2022 at 8:00 pm
to quote John Diefenbaker; " polls are for dogs"
Up 32 Down 12
Observer on Oct 3, 2022 at 6:56 pm
Well at least the WS had the journalistic integrity to mention that it was the cons that commissioned the poll.
Up 25 Down 27
Roy on Oct 3, 2022 at 6:24 pm
“HA HA Libs! Let's hear the comments now.”
Pace yourself - you’re gonna have to laugh for 3 more years before these “poll” results become meaningful.
Til then the butthurt Yukon Party gets to feel sad that they attempted to form a coalition with the NDP but failed at that. Add it to the list of their failures. Maybe less time spent sending immature text messages would serve them better.
The Liberals suck. But they’re in power until 2025 using the same tactic the Yukon Party tried to use.
Press thumbs down if this reality is too much to cope with.
Up 36 Down 8
NeilAlexGeddy on Oct 3, 2022 at 6:19 pm
Guaranteed that the Yukon Liberals have conducted poling also and there is probably connection why Silver is packing it in.
People are struggling beyond belief right now, Canada is projected to be in recession territory end of Q1 2023. Goodbye federal and territorial liberals.
Up 33 Down 16
Juniper Jackson on Oct 3, 2022 at 5:50 pm
The Federal polls are reporting the same thing. Even the dumbest voter knows an empty shelf when it sees one.. Trudeau has printed so much money, and sunk Canada so deeply in dept, the country will not recover in my life time. My children and grandchildren will be paying into their lifetimes... https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/services/publications/debt-management-report/2020-2021.html 25% of Canada's trillion dollar debt is owned by foreign banks and investor groups..in 2021. That figure is higher now as Canadian investors, insurance companies, unions etc. pull out of Canadian securities. While it is unlikely that any investment group would call in their debts, if they did, every man, woman, and child in Canada would be asked to pay: 'Government debt ranges between $47,200 and $64,000 per Canadian, depending on the province, by the end of 2022. When you add up all provincial and federal debt, each Canadian will owe $56,000 on average. Debt interest charges on government debt will cost between $1,200 and $2,500 per person this year.Jun 30, 2022. https://www.taxpayer.com/newsroom/each-canadian-is-on-the-hook-for-56,000-in-government-debt#:~:text=Government%20debt%20ranges%20between%20%2447%2C200,%242%2C500%20per%20person%20this%20year.
There are so many people saying.. oh.. that's not going to happen.. We won't go bankrupt.. this is Canada.. Venezuelan's said something like that too..it can't happen here. Household debt is too high..if you can get out.. you should do it.. And my conspiracy theory? Don't trust your bank with so much as a dime.
Up 22 Down 40
Lawl on Oct 3, 2022 at 5:34 pm
Was this poll conducted at the unofficial YP headquarters AKA Shipyards Park on Saturday with all the sign holding conspiracy crowd?
Up 29 Down 11
Austin on Oct 3, 2022 at 5:01 pm
All I can say is YAAAAHHOOOO.
Up 15 Down 19
Fred Norris on Oct 3, 2022 at 4:47 pm
....”Yukoners want a government that is focused on their priorities, including making life more affordable,” added Cathers....”
Yes Brad. Yukon’s population is clamouring for a more voter-focused government. However, we found out in 2021 that while the Yukon was under the Liberal thumb of Dr. Hanley and Premier Silver, the major players in the Yukon party were much more focused on polishing their diesel pickups and NDP leader Kate White’s potential.
Do we have another party to vote for?
Up 20 Down 9
Groucho d'North on Oct 3, 2022 at 4:28 pm
As goes the federal politic, so too does the Yukon: https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/conservatives-open-statistically-significant-lead-over-liberals-nanos-poll-1.5878564
It's quite simple to see how the wind is blowing these days.
Up 58 Down 106
Thick Wool on Oct 3, 2022 at 4:24 pm
The Yukon Party wrote the questions and paid for the poll to be conducted? Did they choose the respondents, call times or geographic areas targeted too?
Hey YP amateurs,
That’s not how polling works, usually. This is what you call a stacked deck. You might be used to that being in your favour, but the rest of us see you all for what you are. Pathetic showing here, folks.
Hey voters,
If the poll were reputable, the Yukon Party wouldn’t have to present it themselves. The polling company would release it to the media with methodology disclosure under their company banner. That they did not speaks volumes.
It’s really unfortunate because there are many legitimate arguments to be made that Liberal leadership is a problem. However, when the opposition acts in a disreputable and manipulative manner, the current regime comes off looking like the least crazy choice.
Up 64 Down 13
Politico on Oct 3, 2022 at 4:08 pm
Want some cheese with that wine?
Up 100 Down 18
Thomas Brewer on Oct 3, 2022 at 4:01 pm
and now you know why Sandy is bowing out....
Up 79 Down 37
Hilarious on Oct 3, 2022 at 3:38 pm
Historically in the Yukon Legér polls are about as accurate as Cathers true hair colour.
Regardless, only one poll matters and that’s the General Election in November 2025.
3 years from now.
Up 75 Down 22
YUKONER on Oct 3, 2022 at 3:25 pm
HA HA Libs! Let's hear the comments now.
Up 80 Down 15
Charlie's Aunt on Oct 3, 2022 at 3:19 pm
Well, well, isn't that a big surprise?!!!!!!!