Whitehorse Daily Star

Mayor welcomes new KDFN chief, council

Mayor Laura Cabott has released a statement on the results of last week’s Kwanlin Dün First Nation election.

By Whitehorse Star on March 21, 2023

Mayor Laura Cabott has released a statement on the results of last week’s Kwanlin Dün First Nation election.

Sean Smith defeated Doris Bill, the long-time outgoing chief, by a margin of 289 to 205 votes. He was sworn into office this morning.

“On behalf of the City of Whitehorse, I want to congratulate and welcome Sean Smith as the new Chief of the Kwanlin Dün First Nation,” Cabott said last Friday.

“I also want to congratulate Councillors Charlene Charlie, Linda Moen, Charles Chief, Jolene Smarch, Ray Sydney and Jesse Ryder.

“The Kwanlin Dün First Nation and City of Whitehorse have worked closely together on a number of shared priorities, and we look forward to meeting with the new council in the near future to see what new priorities and ideas we can advance together.”

The mayor also thanked Bill “for her years of leadership and support.

“During her time as chief, the City and Kwanlin Dün were able to advance a number of important initiatives that will have a positive impact on our community for generations to come.”

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