Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Whitehorse Star

Brendan Hanley

Liberals would strengthen mental health care

The federal election campaign is ramping up as the territory’s candidates are becoming more visible.

By Whitehorse Star on September 2, 2021

The federal election campaign is ramping up as the territory’s candidates are becoming more visible.

Liberal candidate Brendan Hanley issued a news release Wednesday afternoon flogging a party plan to improve mental health care in Canada.

No specific mention was made of any aspect of the plan relating to the Yukon.

He went on to say “getting Yukoners better access to mental health supports is one of my three priorities for this campaign. During the past 18 months as the chief medical officer of health, I saw first-hand the impacts of COVID-19 on mental health in the Yukon. Those in rural and remote communities need improved access to resources in particular.”

Hanley was quoted in the release as saying “a re-elected Liberal government will move forward to deliver better mental health care for Yukoners, particularly for those who need it most. Mental health is health.

“With half of Yukoners saying their mental health worsened throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, it is clear that better mental health services are necessary to ensure we recover from the pandemic in a way that is fair and inclusive for everyone.”

The release said a re-elected Liberal government would support better mental health for Canadians by:

• Establishing a national, three-digit mental health crisis and suicide prevention hotline;

• Developing a mental health and wellness strategy with First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation partners;

• Providing permanent, ongoing funding for mental health services through a new Canada Mental Health Transfer to provinces and territories to deliver high-quality, accessible, and free mental health services for more Canadians;

• Introducing a new fund for student well-being to increase access to mental health care at colleges and universities by hiring 1,200 new counsellors;

• Reviewing access to disability benefits and programs to ensure they are available for people experiencing mental health challenges; and

• Working with community partners on the design and establishment of a fund to support the mental health of those citizens disproportionately affected by COVID-19, such as health care workers, front-line workers, youth, seniors, Indigenous peoples, and racialized and Black Canadians.

Comments (34)

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Wondering on Sep 9, 2021 at 6:48 am

What does Terry Coventry and mental health have to do with each other?
I'll wait for the answer.

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Wilf Carter on Sep 7, 2021 at 7:07 pm

How are they going to do this when there are major shortage of mental health doctors and nurses? Larry Bagnell and Sandy Silver stated the same thing and what did they do? According to doctors in that field we need at lease 6 to 8 living in the Yukon. How many do have now and how many did we have five years ago will give the progress made on this file which has gone down not up in the last 5 years. Check the facts.

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comen sense on Sep 7, 2021 at 12:01 pm

ok, no LIB. Let's not split the votes - thumbs up for Barbara. Jonas should have stayed with CP. Isn't this article describing how they woulda coulda shoulda and how they have been, are now, and will be if reelected.

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BeReal on Sep 7, 2021 at 9:14 am

"Liberals would strengthen mental health care"

So, what has stopped them in the past 5 years? What has stopped them from securing more doctors, so every Yukoner has access to a family doctor? There are no walk in clinics in Whitehorse and going to the ER to wait hours upon hours for general care is INSANE. I'd bet that Mr. Hanley and all those ministers have a family doctor though!

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John on Sep 6, 2021 at 1:46 pm

@ Adam Smith

It is quite obvious that perhaps you are the one being selfish in your assessment. It has been said before, but obviously needs to be repeated "just for you". Don't cast dispersion on Jonas - if you want to blame (which it appears you like to do) then look no further than the party brass in Ottawa. It was they that unnecessarily and without just cause let Jonas go. We had a strong credible candidate but because he wouldn't kiss butt he was deemed unworthy. Well good for Jonas for sticking to his principles. I would rather support a candidate that has solid ethics and stands behind his values. If anyone should not have run it is Barb. She knew full well of Jonas' intentions after the dumping. Then we would have a conservative independent and one we could be proud to have in Ottawa.

So put that in your pipe and smoke it !

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Al on Sep 6, 2021 at 11:47 am

The only "strength" coming out of the Liberals is the odour of unethical behaviour.
Hanley you are in way over your head (which is pretty large considering your ego).

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Adam Smith on Sep 6, 2021 at 11:34 am


Stop lionizing Jonas. The only thing he is doing, is ensuring the Liberals get elected again. He is selfishly splitting the vote because his ego won't let him quietly fade away. The conservatives would likely win this seat if he wasn't running. What makes it worse is that all the Jonas supporters like you will probably go back to voting conservative next election when Jonas disappears again. So why not vote conservative right now when we can win instead of waiting until next time when we can't!?

And I won't even get started about the Yukon Party sitting on the sidelines this time because they have a soft spot for Jonas. So weak.

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My Opinion on Sep 5, 2021 at 4:52 pm

So Dr. Hanley, if you have so many ideas about Public Health now, why did you do nothing about it in the many years you held the position as the Yukons top Doctor? Unbelievable. No wonder you do not want to speak in pubic, people may ask questions. They are also very tired of your droning on over the last 18 months.

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My Opinion on Sep 5, 2021 at 4:45 pm

Funny isn't it that Hanley had us all locked down and businesses shuttered when we had not a single case for months. Then all of a sudden in the middle of our worst outbreak with hundreds involved he saw fit to loosen the restrictions, all the way to no restrictions at all. Then low and behold he is running for the Liberal MP. Amazing Eh? We are to believe he only made this decision 2 days after Larry resigned (or was told to). To use your position as a Dr. and our top public health official to further a political career is disgusting. I feel for Larry really, as I do for Jonas. Politics is in abad place these days, that is why I will be voting for an independent who can't be whipped, Jonas Smith.

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Groucho d'North on Sep 5, 2021 at 12:04 pm

"Liberals would strengthen mental health care"
Wouldn't that reduce the number of people who vote for them?

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Joe on Sep 4, 2021 at 10:22 pm

I will never vote for Dr Shamley. Fooled all the Yukon people for over a year. It’s not about Yukoners, it’s about himself

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Bill on Sep 4, 2021 at 3:53 pm

This is a bit off topic but very relevant to the parties who advocate big adjustments for climate change, yadda, yadda.

I go to town today (first time in a couple of weeks) and I am met with huge election signs ! I'm thinking wow - this is horse s--t. You hear nothing but climate this and climate that especially from the Liberals, NDP and Greenies. Yet here they are erecting signs all over Whitehorse!

You guys are nothing but hypocrites ! What a waste of resources. You talk the talk but you certainly don't walk it. You should be leading by example. Go sell your snake oil on climate change to some other dunderhead.

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Juniper Jackson on Sep 3, 2021 at 5:17 pm

Hippo-crate: Hi..thanks for the reply. However, I reread my comment and I did not mention the Conservatives at all. As the news issue was about Hanley and the Liberals and mental health, I believe I stayed on topic with my opinion.

Mr/Ms? Hippo crate, did you have an opinion on the topic?

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iBrian on Sep 3, 2021 at 2:58 pm

What I can’t wrap my head around still is the whole Vaccinated/Non vaccinated and why not Tested Positive and has natural immunity and doesnt need the jab. Why only 2 classes.
I never voted Liberal, or NDP, just don’t have a welfare mind.
I worked for what I have and my living expenses went up 40% in the last year between taxes doubling and insurance going up 33% for no reason.
Can’t wait to see this guy gone, and from the CMO position too.
Now the whole trying to speak French on TV and radio makes sense.

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John on Sep 3, 2021 at 1:30 pm

@ Al
Good shot across the bow on your article regarding the media. I think I know why H doesn't want to talk to the media. They will put forward some hard questions that he would prefer not to answer, never mind hearing them. People with big egos - the last thing they want is to have their balloon burst.

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Crating hippos on Sep 3, 2021 at 12:41 pm

Hippo Crates: The conservatives knew that the government should not be directly involved in Mental Health services and therefore did not seek to compete for the control of other’s minds… The Liberals - That is their goal, their primary objective!
Truck off!

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Sheepchaser on Sep 3, 2021 at 12:33 pm

Dr. Hanley, when you’re done playing ‘woke’ politics, please advocate to add Registered Clinical Councillors to the long list of medical practitioners who’s services are tax deductible. You can get tax deductions for debunked procedures like acupuncture, but not dealing with your problems by seeking assistance from an RCC. If there’s true insanity in this country, it’s arbitrary decision making and lack of cooperation between and within government itself.
Expecting mental health patients to navigate the complex web of services… please. As you know Doc, the healthcare system is not fit for purpose when it comes to mental health. Rather than pill-pushing family doctors, research psychologists and acute-care psychiatrists running mental health patients through a system that isn’t working over and over again, give professionals who are trained for the purpose the lead in what is their wheelhouse.
Don’t fall into Justin’s deep well of tokenism. Measurable, definitive change that applies equally to all of your constituents while doing so in a manner that requires contribution to society BEFORE you claim your benefit. Less cherry picking your preferred benefit recipients and requiring nothing of them. The ‘takers’ will do just that until everything is as broken as they are.

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Al on Sep 3, 2021 at 11:45 am

I am astounded by your flippant attitude Mr Hanley towards both the electorate and the media. Since the writ has been dropped you have made yourself publicly invisible. Most of your public comments have come out via a news release or written submissions. That in itself is not a bad way of communicating - however it is a continuous method you have, and are, using. When asked by media for comments on issues (such as the YP comment) you tell them you are "too busy campaigning" (and that comment was when you were in Beaver Creek - the smallest of all our communities).
I am not a great lover of the media BUT to snub them as you did and continue to do is disrespectful to the electoral process. Every other candidate has availed themselves willing, in some cases with zeal to be available to various media. I am beginning to believe that you and your handlers are deliberately trying to control the narrative of how you deal with the public side of your campaign. You are not open to a dialogue but rather a monologue. It seems that either the handlers really are concerned of your persona in front of the media, or you perhaps have inadequate skill sets, or, that you simple will come across negatively. Simply put, the campaign staff may lack confidence in you as a candidate.

The more I see of you the more I see someone who has zero interest in the electorate but you are rather self-absorbed in your own little bubble, expecting everyone to fall all over themselves to elect you. You may be surprised at the outcome on the 20th - for sure Trudeau is in for a shock !

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Hippo crate on Sep 3, 2021 at 11:20 am

June please itemize all that the YP did for mental health services in the Yukon in there 15 year reign.
I’ll wait.

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One percenter on Sep 3, 2021 at 7:34 am

While some people suffered through the pandemic and their mental health worsened, others built their public profile through weekly media events with a goal of seeking a seat in Parliament. All while collecting the highest salary of any public servant in the Yukon. Well played Dr Hanley.

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Al on Sep 2, 2021 at 9:55 pm

Mr Hanley - it is people like you who have been primarily responsible for the paranoid and poor mental health that exists today in the Yukon. You instilled fear every time you put yourself in front of the public with your daily pandemic verbiage. In fact most people label you "Dr Fear." You were less than transparent and continued to hide by confidentiality when not providing more detail as to community, other underlying causes or in fact what treatment may be given for anyone with Covid at home - even when asked!

You may have the title of Dr. However you give off the aura of someone who likes to strut around like a peacock while using that title. You fool no-one.

Please do the Yukon and your own family a favour and just back out of this predicament you have gotten yourself into in running for office.

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Max Mack on Sep 2, 2021 at 9:41 pm

Hanley has been at the forefront of the spiraling mental health situation in the Yukon. Not just due to his policies during the pandemic "emergency". But, also well before that.

Look at what's been done to Many Rivers and Salvation Army, and the dissolution of the suicide help line. Where was Hanley on those issues?
Now he pretends to care. Should I laugh or cry?

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bonanzajoe on Sep 2, 2021 at 9:04 pm

So, the Liberals destroyed Yukon's mental health, now they want to fix it? Sounds about right. Like my Pappy used to say, "If it ain't broke, the Liberals will fix it till it is".

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Josey Wales on Sep 2, 2021 at 4:51 pm

The party that redefined what gaslighting is...will strengthen mental healthcare?
I think they already have, there will be ample positions for psychologists, enough mental damage via this plandemic and regime to fatten careers for many years to come.

After all this nonsense and epic, epic over reach, you still carry the torch for team red?
Wow is purdy much all I could possibly say...and even that would not register in that suggested echo chamber.

A vote for this team, is like you pounding spikes for the spur the cattle cars get shunted to before a refreshing shower after such a long trip.
...and what a long strange trip it’s been.

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Juniper Jackson on Sep 2, 2021 at 4:37 pm

The Liberals have had 5 years to work on mental health. They did nothing. Hanley has had, what? He's what? 75, how many years have you had to work on it old boy? Oh yeah.. let's not forget health either..
Terry Coventry https://www.whitehorsestar.com/News/maybe-my-death-will-trigger-something
The Liberals refused to buy the machine for $40,000 and spent 8 million on a running track instead. I miss my friend Frank, who had to leave because the Liberals would not pay for his cancer medicine, but B.C. does.

And, remember, the Liberals want to put in "Poly" clinics, so that you never again have a family doctor. It's a mini-ER. You get who is there. It will save the Liberals a bundle of money to send out of the country so that other countries have family doctors etc. Hanley pushed the Liberal agenda for 2 years under the guise of a doctor. I wouldn't trust him now if he said the sky was blue. People who have given up, who have sons, daughters, other family, friends doing drugs, drinking too much, have been declaring a drug crisis for over a year, but NOW, they are going to do something? The 'safe' injection site is a monumental joke. Drug use is related to mental health, but the national party, and the local party have done nothing except hurry an addicts death. I guess that's one way of taking care of the problem. Depression and suicide, our other big killer.

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JustSayin' on Sep 2, 2021 at 4:28 pm

Mr. Hanley,
You had the ability with the YG to have mental health increased especially while people were suffering without the ability to see their loved ones. Why now?

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Mr Facts on Sep 2, 2021 at 3:36 pm

How about you push to dissolve the Bank of Canada and go back to the Canadian Government creating money again, interest free? Yeah, I didn't think so.

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Bingo on Sep 2, 2021 at 3:35 pm

Everybody’s going to need mental health care if this guy gets elected. Like to comment on the “personal attack” by the Yukon party…it was no personal attack, the fact that the Chief Medical Officer is now a tainted partisan in whichever direction voids him from maintaining that position period. This guy wants it all and is oblivious to the optics…I guess that why he’s a liberal.

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joe on Sep 2, 2021 at 3:03 pm

Trust me he said. Throughout the entire pandemic we were told " based on facts' " based on science" but, the real perception is that it was liberal influenced and for personal political gain. This person should resign as he is obviously not unbiased as the position demands.

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Oya on Sep 2, 2021 at 2:58 pm

Because were ALL going to need mental health help if Trudeau gets back in! Say NO to the Liberals! A vote for Hanley is a vote for Trudeau. A vote for Trudeau is a vote to give him 4 more years to ruin this country even more… to the point of no return. There has never been a worse leader, of that I am sure!

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Rick S on Sep 2, 2021 at 2:38 pm

Peoples' mental health wasn't affected by Covid. It was affected by your policies and fear-mongering, Hanley.

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Himbo on Sep 2, 2021 at 2:32 pm

Would not vote for the liberal regime ever again in my life. And I’m sure many Canadians feel the same, might as well drop out of the race right now.

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JSM on Sep 2, 2021 at 2:28 pm

Whatever happened to toughing up and pushing through adversity? Geez these young generations are so entitled and want everything given to them on a silver platter. Back in my day you brushed it off and moved forward.

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Matthew on Sep 2, 2021 at 2:23 pm

Ahh yes.. more people claiming to be mentally ill for more freebies and not having to work, gotta love the welfare state the liberals have created..

Ever thought that the lockdown YOU created is a root of a lot of new mental health patients!? Imagine, old parents, friends, family dying ALONE in care homes, imagine the mental stress on their families.. sickening

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