Photo by Whitehorse Star
Dr. Sudit Ranade
Photo by Whitehorse Star
Dr. Sudit Ranade
Whitehorse General Hospital will be seeing significant surgical cutbacks in December.
Whitehorse General Hospital will be seeing significant surgical cutbacks in December.
The cuts are scheduled to last for three weeks beginning Dec. 18, and could affect dozens of planned operations.
The Star contacted the Yukon Hospital Corp. this morning for more details about is plans and the reasons for the reductions.
There was no response.
Dr. Sudit Ranade, the Yukon’s chief medical officer of health, declined to say much specifically about the cutbacks, referring the Star to the hospital management itself for more information.
However, he did say his concern with the process is the ripple effect such decisions can cause.
Ranade said he hopes the hospital is following a process to properly prioritize patients.
He recommended that anyone waiting for surgery to be patient, and to recognize that while your particular circumstances seem like a top priority for you, it might not be in the grand scheme of things when compared to someone else’s needs.
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Comments (6)
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Groucho d'North on Dec 3, 2023 at 9:33 am
It seems every new story about Yukon's Health Care system or its facilities is more bad news. Is anybody else seeing a trend here?
Up 55 Down 4
YT on Nov 28, 2023 at 1:18 pm
“He recommended that anyone waiting for surgery to be patient, and to recognize that while your particular circumstances seem like a top priority for you, it might not be in the grand scheme of things when compared to someone else’s needs”
Well, that was certainly helpful.
Up 52 Down 9
joe on Nov 28, 2023 at 10:24 am
This is exactly what happens with governments that overspend and cause inflation. We could talk all day about the negative impacts this unelected coalition government has had on the economy, the health of society and the obvious impacts on the services we used to take for granted. We have the most abundant resources in the world yet we suffer due to agenda driven government policies.
Up 28 Down 17
Stuart Spofford on Nov 28, 2023 at 6:34 am
This is unfortunately not just a Yukon situation. The shortage of hospital staff, is being felt across Canada. I have been and am a patient and user of hospital services and have seen things change. When you visit WGH and 5 out of 6 nurses and aids are on work terms from elsewhere, you realize the desperation of the situation. Doctors are no exception. I am not qualified to offer a real solution. To reiterate, I see and understand the cutbacks of surgery.
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Matthew on Nov 27, 2023 at 6:40 pm
Why is it the tax paying citizens are ALWAYS LAST to know? This is somehow liberals version of a "transparent government"..
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Al on Nov 27, 2023 at 2:53 pm
"...anyone waiting for surgery to be patient, and to recognize that while your particular circumstances seem like a top priority for you, it might not be in the grand scheme of things when compared to someone else’s needs." says CMO.
This is the long version of - F--- You. Tough. What a patronizing %##^*.
Some of us are getting more than frustrated and believe me have lost our patience ! Nothing but cut-backs and excuses. Time to get rid of this Board - each and everyone the Liberal appointments.