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THREAT BROUGHT UNDER CONTROL – Smoke is seen Monday from the large wildfire near the Dome in Dawson City (left). The blackened area is seen on the right. Photos courtesy Yukon Wildland Fire Management

Dome-area wildfire declared out

A bush fire near the Dome in Dawson City was declared out at noon today after it was discovered on Monday, Yukon Wildland Fire Management reports.

By Gord Fortin on June 25, 2019

A bush fire near the Dome in Dawson City was declared out at noon today after it was discovered on Monday, Yukon Wildland Fire Management reports.

Mike Fancie, Wildland’s fire information officer, said Tuesday the lightning-caused blaze was spotted by a lookout tower observer on the Dome Road at approximately 4:15 p.m.

Two fire engines from Dawson and two helicopters were called in to combat the fire.

Firefighters from the Dawson City Fire Department assisted Wildland crew members.

An air tanker called in to attack from above arrived on the scene at 4:50 p.m. from Whitehorse.

Fancie explained that the fire is currently considered held. That means it’s under control and not expected to spread.

The blaze itself was small at 0.2 hectares. It was 1.5 km up the Dome Road.

It was far enough away from the nearby subdivision that there was no threat.

“It was never at risk,” Fancie said.

He added that 0.2 hectares are about 20 per cent of a football field.

The subdivision would have only been menaced if the fire had spread or had not reacted to any of the fire suppression activities.

Since the fire is in a critical attack zone, he added, crews had to fight it.

“The goal is to put it out as soon as possible,” Fancie said.

He adds that the main thrust of fire suppression would be from ground crews. The air support crew members have gone back to their bases.

Fancie said that central Yukon is experiencing hot and dry conditions, which heightens the risk for fires.

He recommends that anyone having a campfire should do so safely.

Burn permits are suspended in the area.

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