Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Whitehorse Star

Geraldine Van Bibber

Business organization slams government’s economic policies

Another business organization is raising concerns with what the Yukon Party calls the failure of the territorial government’s economic management.

By Whitehorse Star on July 7, 2022

Another business organization is raising concerns with what the Yukon Party calls the failure of the territorial government’s economic management.

On June 30, the Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses (CFIB) released its first annual report card on economic policies related to internal trade and interprovincial co-operation.

The report gives the territory’s Liberal government an overall score of 3.8 out of 10 and an overall grade of F.

“Following the pandemic, the private sector needs to be at the forefront of our economic recovery, and the government needs to be taking action to create a climate where free enterprise can flourish,” Geraldine Van Bibber, the official Opposition’s economic development critic, said Tuesday.

“Instead, we see business organizations like CFIB criticizing the lack of action and giving the territorial Liberals a failing grade.”

The report card grades governments in three areas: exceptions to the Canadian Free Trade Agreement, select barriers to internal trade, and the implementation of reconciliation agreements.

This report follows a Yukon Chamber of Commerce letter to the government earlier this year that outlined how small and medium sized businesses are in crisis and that “the actions, policies, and proposals by the Government of Yukon…are crippling business at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic has already eroded sales and evaporated profits for many SMEs in Yukon.”

The letter went on to provide several examples of Liberal policies, actions, proposals and consequences that had raised the cost of doing business at a time when many businesses, in the chamber’s words, “are hanging on by a thread and feel that their government is kicking them while they are down.”

The Yukon Party is calling on the Liberal government to meet with the chamber and the CFIB “to listen to the business community and start taking real action to create the conditions where the private sector can thrive.”

Asked about the Yukon Party’s concerns, cabinet communications staff sent the Star this emailed comment:

“The Government of Yukon’s grade in comparison to other jurisdictions is largely the result of the territory’s number of exceptions in the Canadian Free Trade Agreement.

“The report itself notes that making a comparison on the gross number of exceptions is not optimal or reflective of their actual impact, considering the differing scales of economies across jurisdictions in Canada,” the statement added.

“This concern was raised with the Canadian Federation of Independent Business ahead of the release of the report, noting such methodology leads to false equivalency among exceptions, even though the national economic impact of the Yukon’s exceptions is small compared to those held by other provinces.”

Comments (22)

Up 3 Down 1

MITCH on Jul 12, 2022 at 4:33 pm

@ Clifton - That is called empirical evidence and scientific method, you should learn them sometime. Could save your life.

Up 24 Down 3

Sheepchaser on Jul 12, 2022 at 8:32 am

Anyone who’s tried to work with Economic Development as a partner knows all too well how quickly it turns into a parasitic relationship on their part. They will steal your IP, proposals and business planning to hand it to a competitor they have personal relationships with.

Up 10 Down 17

Woodcutter on Jul 11, 2022 at 5:53 pm

One just has to go to any campground on the weekend and observe all the commercial plates (they start with C) and you'll see those in dire straights forced to live part time on public lands.

Such sadness to sell $300,000 worth of truck, trailer and boat parked in the almost free stalls forced to burn that free firewood .

The best I can do for them is pass on my sympathy and try to explain that not every business deserves to survive and as capitalists we should recognize this in spite of the grades that some self service organization might tell you.

If you can't make it with the free spending ways of the liberals, you haven't a chance if pierre pellapoop becomes the boss, I mean if he has a chance to become the boss, or do I mean if pigs can fly and he becomes the boss?

Up 7 Down 3

MITCH on Jul 11, 2022 at 12:49 pm

@ Juniper - I think she will need that spade for a while to dig herself out of that hole.

Up 21 Down 9

Joe on Jul 11, 2022 at 11:10 am

It's very obvious that Kate has put aside her own values and belief in exchange for an extended political career. She knows she won't win another election so she will drag out her pension time out as long as she can with this damaging coalition. Good work Kate, glad to see you're in for Yukoners.

Up 20 Down 3

Groucho d'North on Jul 10, 2022 at 1:21 pm

This may very well be a test of political ideologies and doing the right thing for the people they took an oath to serve. Kate is no dummy, she is well aware of the anguish she is permitting to occur with her participation in the Confidence and Supply Agreement. She has to decide if serving the greater good means getting the terms she and Mr. Silver agreed to. The Rent Cap has not won them any supporters, and the Centre of Hoplessness activities is also counted as a negative, so what has been gained for the NDP through this marrige of convienience? I doubt she wants to be painted with the same negativity brush as the Liberals who continue to spiral downward in their failure to serve Yukoners.
Observing the federal Liberal/NDP partnership, I doubt Mr. Singh's popularity is growing by this union with Trudeau's tyranical leadership. Strange bedfellows indeed.

Up 9 Down 26

Patti Eyre on Jul 10, 2022 at 10:50 am

Oh Juniper, you don’t make personal attacks? That’s your main course, pretty well all you do! And congrats on your long life, good for you.

Up 22 Down 8

Bad Politics on Jul 9, 2022 at 12:01 pm

@ Yukoner64 on Jul 8, 2022 at 9:23 am:

In response to your statement - “She would be immediately kicked to the curb by her own party if she did this.”
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few…. She should think of her sacrifice as a form of political MAID. She could be awarded a medal of honour in recognition of her sacrifice for the greater good… And we could celebrate Kate rather than hate Kate.

C’mon Kate step up and save your country, Give Jaghmeet a call and encourage him to do the same. The country could singh again, can singh again… What relief that would bring to everyone whether ‘they’ acknowledge it or not.

Up 32 Down 10

Juniper Jackson on Jul 9, 2022 at 2:07 am

Oh Patti.. Maybe I can borrow your spade? I go out to work every day. To pay for the meds that keep me alive. No..they aren't on the formulary. I would really, really like my meds paid for. I am not willing to die like Terry- https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/terry-coventry-hemodialysis-yukon-dead-1.5414637 I have probably worked longer than you've been alive. Never collected a cent of welfare or EI. (I applied for EI in 1979, but got a job before i could collect.)

I really, really don't understand why people like you, and Dougie and maybe a few others feel the need to attack other posters. Instead of just disagreeing with my comment and adding your own. What did i say that irritated you? Are you a beggar on Buy and Sell? Just another Liberal? Say something please, that relates to the topic.

Up 12 Down 32

Patti Eyre on Jul 8, 2022 at 3:30 pm

I weep for all of you too like Mitch, especially for Juni Jackson who needs a spade and looks for handouts in the form of elderly subsidies.

Up 13 Down 10

MITCH on Jul 8, 2022 at 2:44 pm

@ BONANZA JOE - I Meant that truly, not spitefully. Probably would have been interpreted as such verbally where text fails to express nuance. However, given these Liberal clowns only speak text, you would think they would have caught that.

Up 10 Down 8

Mitch on Jul 8, 2022 at 1:20 pm

@Yukoner64 -, She explains it by supporting the only party in Canada left with any money to advance her causes. Do you understand?

Up 10 Down 10

MITCH on Jul 8, 2022 at 11:29 am

I weep for you Joe. Where do you think that younger generation will take out their rage? If the government victimizes the essential, the elderly and the marginalized, so will they.

Up 28 Down 9

Jim on Jul 8, 2022 at 10:22 am

@Clifton, so businesses succeeding is right wing ideology? Where would your left wing government get its money from if these right wing businesses ceased to exist? Businesses create jobs which generates tax revenue as well as pay taxes themselves, along with supporting CPP, EI benefits, Workers Comp and more. Remember, your left wing government has no money other than what they take from ALL taxpayers. As much as Liberals like to believe, the budget does not balance itself.

Up 20 Down 28

Yukoner64 on Jul 8, 2022 at 9:23 am

@Groucho So you want Kate White to bring down the centrist Liberals so that the right wing Yukon Party can possibly win the following election? How exactly does Kate White explain to her socialist base that she took down the moderate Liberals and helped to replace them with a convoy supporting right wing government under career politician Currie Dixon? If you understand politics at all, you will know that the NDP despises right wing ideology and all that it represents. She would be immediately kicked to the curb by her own party if she did this.

Up 27 Down 12

Wilf Carter on Jul 8, 2022 at 8:07 am

Where is our department of Economic Development at and what are they doing? The minister of Economic Development is taking tax payers money and buying an old worn out old hotel and buying it from his former employer for $10 when it has a value of $3 to $4 million plus giving them another $5 to fix it up to house homeless people. The operation cost would have to be through the roof. Then that company takes tax payer money to build a new private sector hotel in down town. Giving tax payer money to a private sector company to compete with other hotels is called what?

Up 40 Down 8

What’s in your wallet? on Jul 8, 2022 at 7:24 am

FFS! Really? “… the government needs to be taking action to create a climate where free enterprise can flourish…” said the oppositions official critic on economic development.

Minister “Whats It Costyn Mostyn” does not believe in free enterprise. He believes in, endorses, and enforces socioeconomic-cultural favouritism.

Up 41 Down 17

bonanzajoe on Jul 7, 2022 at 9:14 pm

Suck it up dudes and dudesses. The communists have their global agenda and Canadians aren't part of it. Read the "Communist Manifesto" and you will see where JT and his disciples are taking Canada. I weep for the young generation growing up under this horrible system.

Up 38 Down 17

Juniper Jackson on Jul 7, 2022 at 8:53 pm

The mismanagement and failure is not limited to the Yukon. Trudeau leads the most destructive government in Canadian history. https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/giesbrecht-trudeau-has-irreparably-damaged-our-country What happens here is only reflective of the national government. The Liberals, quite rightly, assume that people want money more than they want accountability, honesty, honor, integrity. They assume, again, quite rightly, that they can bribe people into voting for them. Everyone can be bought if the price is right. The Liberals cater to those with low expectations. I can be bought too, but I'm way, way more expensive than those who settled for enough money to stay home and buy dope, or fish, beg for free stuff on Buy and Sell, or whatever.
Trade agreements? Remember when Freeland ran out of a NAFTA meeting crying like a baby because the US wouldn't give her what she wanted? Not a professional negotiator apparently. Canada couldn't at this moment, negotiate its way out of a closet. Reconciliation agreements? The FN just has to wait for Trudeau to print more money. All in all, as long as Liberal financial mismanagement continues to direct the countries business, the country will continue to fail. We've already hit the bottom, and started to dig.

Up 24 Down 37

BnR on Jul 7, 2022 at 6:11 pm

Ah yes, the CFIB. They espouse:
For right-to-work legislation
Against funding public transit
For lower business taxes
For deregulation
For raising the Lifetime Capital Gains Tax Exemption
Against increased contributions to Employment Insurance and the Canada Pension Plan (CPP)
For privatized pension plans
Against increasing the minimum wage, calling the idea of a $15 minimum wage a "dumb policy"

Lots of great ideas, for them.
The Yukon is booming. We can’t get enough workers. Trades are making a killing. You look at all the big trucks pulling boats and other toys and you’d think gas was still $1/liter. And the YP as per usual claims the sky is falling because they’re business friends aren’t making as much as they usually do.

Up 27 Down 79

Clifton on Jul 7, 2022 at 2:24 pm

Right wing idealoges.

Up 94 Down 29

Groucho d'North on Jul 7, 2022 at 2:11 pm

Golly, another F on the Liberal report card, this is becoming a trend.
Come on Kate, stop supporting this lame duck government so an election can be called before even more damage is done.

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