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Education Minister Jeanie McLean and NDP MLA Emily Tredger

Bill lends more support to LGBTQ2S+ students

A motion to amend the Education Act to offer some additional resources to LGBTQ2S+ was debated Wednesday in the legislature.

By Tim Giilck on March 24, 2022

A motion to amend the Education Act to offer some additional resources to LGBTQ2S+ was debated Wednesday in the legislature.

The private member’s bill was introduced by NDP MLA Emily Tredger, and was the subject of a lunchtime demonstration outside the legislature.

The students, Tredger said, “came down from Porter Creek to talk about how important this bill is to them, how important it is for them to have safe spaces in their schools, and how they are willing to make signs and show up with flags and stand in front of our legislature to talk about how important it is.

“They gave me this bracelet, which I am so excited to be wearing. I told them that, when I talked today, I would be wearing this bracelet and I would be thinking about them.”

Tredger said the inspiration for the bill came from students, such as the ones in attendance.

“I was speaking with students and talking about what they were facing, and the stories they told me were sometimes very hard to hear,” she said.

“They told me stories of being supported, of having family and community who supported them, and other students told me that they didn’t have that. They told me that they wanted community,” the MLA said.

“They told me about their desire for peer support. They also told me stories of desperation, stories of being afraid for their mental health and not knowing where to turn for help, and so I said, ‘what can we do?’”

They told her it would be helpful for them to know they have support at school, and knowing they have a safe place to go while in school, she said.

“I think that is so important, because the LGBTQ2S+ community has faced such challenges over the years and continues to face such challenges. It is true; lots of things have gotten better, and I am so grateful for the work of activists, community members, and allies who have really pushed us to a place where we haven’t been in a long time, but it is still tough, and it is especially tough for youth.”

The bill, Tredger added, “wants to make sure that every student, no matter what school you go to and no matter which teachers happen to be there that year, that you’ll have a safe space in your classroom.”

Education Minister Jeanie McLean said, “Our government has done a tremendous amount of work to make Yukon laws inclusive and to make the territory a safe and supportive home for the LGBTQ2S+ community.

“Students in the LGBTQ2S+ community are a marginalized group in schools,” McLean added.

“I recognize that and see the need to continue making changes that will continue to improve the lives of our students.”

All youth and staff deserve a safe and supportive school, the minister said.

‘I take this very seriously. I think this is the core of my job as the minister. I’m absolutely committed to putting policies and programs in place so that students and staff feel safe, welcome, and included.

“I support the intention of this bill, and hope that, through our questions in committee of the whole, we can learn more about the development and have a good, healthy debate.”

Yukon Party Leader Currie Dixon said, “Safe spaces for students is imperative for government and for our education system to ensure.

“Ensuring that, in particular, LGBTQ2S+ students have access to safe spaces is, without doubt, something that we support,” Dixon added.

“I think that all students should have access to safe and welcoming learning environments when they come to school, not only for the fact that this supports a healthy learning environment, but also because it is simply the right thing to do.”

He said he supports the bill’s intent.

“However, like the minister, I do have some questions and concerns about the process by which we arrived here,” he said.

“I will have some questions about some of the content as well.”

While the bill was debated Wednesday, the motion has not yet been voted on to continue to third reading.

Comments (30)

Up 3 Down 4

You should read this book on Mar 28, 2022 at 3:24 pm

Helen Pluckrose - Cynical Theory

It might make us reconsider how we're approaching this topic
for both sides.

Up 33 Down 3

Anie on Mar 28, 2022 at 2:47 pm

SR: my goodness, so much anger. I think you are reading a whole lot of stuff that isn't there into comments that don't line up with your perspective. Most people here aren't opposed to your point of view, they aren't out to deny you any rights or do you any harm. More likely, they just don't give a dam.

Up 28 Down 4

Susan on Mar 28, 2022 at 11:57 am

Frankly some politicians have way too much time on their hands. This is not necessary and only serves to divide then assist.

I have to agree with most of the folks who have responded. Some people think they have the right to demand special consideration. Sorry, for most of us that doesn't stick. Everyone is entitled to the same consideration - as stated in the Charter of Rights.

Up 9 Down 43

SR on Mar 27, 2022 at 11:32 pm

Mary Mar, I hope you wore a bib and didn't spittle on yourself when you burst with your outrage laden, vitriolic diatribe. Of course it's 'other people' needing to 'mature a little', right Mary? I can imagine what a joy you must be to your family. "You may NOT participate!" Only the adults, like Mary-Mary-quite contrary can participate in this forum! Threatened threatened by teenagers who are not heterosexual, and any mention of support for them. You are pathetic.

Don't be triggered, Mary. Deal with reality. Your dream world of brushing people aside is coming to an end. I bet you had a fit about the rainbow crosswalk too. lol

Non-straight kids do need protection from the likes of you whether you like it or not.

Up 25 Down 2

Austin on Mar 27, 2022 at 3:01 pm

Live and let live.

Up 31 Down 7

Liberalism Kills! on Mar 27, 2022 at 12:48 pm

With semantics matter on Mar 27, 2022 at 11:33 am:

Unfortunately semantics only matter when you have the power and authority to define them as you want. Liberals know this tacitly and they are adept at large scale manipulations. In the era of a-Social Media the Liberals can leverage this advantage on a dumbed-down electorate. This is precisely why they want 16 year olds to vote… They are the party of ignorance, impulse, and lefty-fascism from the days of Mussolini and the Aryan Youth etc.

But we know that Liberalism is associated with poorer mental health, addictions, and other features of anomic strain. This is why there is so much conflict in our society right now - Liberalism. It emphasizes paternalistic approaches to people-management while behaving like a parent that pits their children, one against the other.

Liberalism is an unadulterated (pardon the irony) fiasco of the bigotry of low expectations. It is crisis. It is despotic. It is scared because it knows it is destructive. Other world leaders are now calling Justin out on the world stage.

Be vocal! Let Silver, White, and the Alliance of Ill-Mental (AIM) health be discovered for what it is… Delusionally disconnected from reality.

Up 29 Down 2

semantics matter on Mar 27, 2022 at 11:33 am

TMYK is SPOT ON. It’s the same with selling the people on “equity.” Most of them think it means “equality.”

Up 27 Down 11

Mary on Mar 26, 2022 at 10:02 pm


You appear to have a very twisted mind. If what other people say does not fit your narrative then you lash out with such venom and spittle that it is pathetic to read. Calling someone a creep is real ghetto stuff, especially if you think you are the enlightened one (which by the way, you are not).

You can disagree with someone without having to stoop to such a low level of discord. With such hatred you serve your cause (whatever that hell that is) no value or consideration in general. The only people who may think it OK are those that espouse the same vitriolic as you. You need to mature a tad to join in discussions in this forum.

Up 14 Down 43

SR on Mar 26, 2022 at 12:03 pm

"John" makes a good argument for having overt support for gay kids in schools.

He demonstrates the pervasive belief that non-straight people 'get what they deserve for being different', and 'choose to be victims'. Then he gaslights by speaking the OPPOSITE of reality when he claims it's GAY people 'forcing their beliefs on others'. Ha ha! That's a good one! He doesn't stop there either! He even goes so far as to openly say that these kids are 'getting what they deserve because of their choices.'

Holy crap people, if this isn't an example of the hostility non hetero people STILL face in 2022, what more do you need? The fact that 40 people gave this creep a thumbs up? Does that help? (vs 6 thumbs down)

Let's say it like it really is. Heterosexuals are the ones 'forcing their choices' on everyone. Watch the movies and TV - now try turning all the straight sex scenes, families, sexually charged dynamics and make them gay. Then you can see the world that gay kids are presented with in terms of the message that 'this is not your world.'

Take a look at religion, cultural events, books. Our culture makes anyone other than straight people non-existent, and those people have only begun to demand their rightful place as visible members of society. I thought it was a fait a complet, until I read John's post. Now I support the creation of these clubs. It's a real drag that they are still necessary but you A.H's (figure those letters out) are the reason they are.

Up 59 Down 5

Groucho d'North on Mar 26, 2022 at 10:27 am

Another example of our society dividing itself over special considerations for those who hear a different drummer. Why is prejudice and bigotry running rampant? It would appear that we prefer it this way.
Your religion and sexual preference is none of my business, but if you try to make it my business, you may not like the result.

Up 11 Down 50

Nathan Living on Mar 25, 2022 at 7:24 pm


Your comments are very offensive. These children deserve a safe place in each school. You did actually read the students comments?
Have you taken a harassment refresher course? Maybe it will compel you to be more sensitive.

Up 31 Down 7

bonanzajoe on Mar 25, 2022 at 4:40 pm

John: Well said!

Up 12 Down 42

Resident on Mar 25, 2022 at 3:30 pm

@ProScience Greenie

You'd hope these freedom-loving patriots would realize that happy people are productive people who pay taxes. Just let people be who they are and we won't need to spend as much on these health + social programs the patriots hate so much.

I can promise you that every dollar dumped into a rainbow room produces at least two in taxes paid.

Up 76 Down 13

John on Mar 25, 2022 at 2:59 pm

You don't need legislation - IMHO that goes over the top. I oppose such thinking, it sets aside specific groups of people for special consideration. It will only aggravate the majority, which it does.

When you pick a path know there are always pros and cons. The road may get bumpy. If you choose a lifestyle that fits outside the mainstream majority, know that not everyone will not be on side with your choice. You are the one that can choose to be a victim. Don't expect everyone to come to your rescue because of your choices. Fortunately, or unfortunately, rescue is not the outcome you will see in the real world. If you force your beliefs on others, you can expect push back. Simply put - you are responsible for the road you take in life. Others are not responsible for your individual welfare. Some may reach out, but the vast majority will be absent - that is just human nature.

For me, I have my own path, as does everyone else. I do not share yours. I don't whine about my path, nor do I insist or expect that everyone jump on board. Really it is called being mature and responsible for my own actions. You want respect - you have to earn it. Flaunting your difference to the majority norm demanding we cede to your thinking is sure one way of making it difficult to achieve.

Up 21 Down 29

yukongirl on Mar 25, 2022 at 2:23 pm

When you are living in a rural community, I would think that the opportunity to connect with others and know that you are not alone would be a tremendous boon to the mental health of a young person. Whitehorse has many resources for many different people, the smaller communities, not so much and this section of the population is especially vulnerable.

Up 29 Down 5

Salt on Mar 25, 2022 at 1:27 pm

Imagine thinking that being 'libertarian' means supporting government intervention. Categorically wrong.

Up 44 Down 8

Anie on Mar 25, 2022 at 1:09 pm

Matthew, well said. Life must be awfully good here that we can find inconsequential issues to get our shirts in a knot. Seriously, I don't worry about safe spaces for left handed people, and I don't care that they are left handed either. They were born that way. It has no effect on my life.

Up 59 Down 9

Dave on Mar 25, 2022 at 7:11 am

Did you throw on your bracelet and jump on your bike today Emily tredger?

Up 50 Down 12

Community Gal on Mar 25, 2022 at 7:11 am

If you are going to amend the Education Act, how about amending it so that Teachers-on-Call get paid for the 7 hours they are scheduled for? As it stands, we are booked for 7 hours but only get paid for 5 hours. The logic(?) is that we only spend 5 hours instructing the students. However, we do supervision, read out sub plan, familiarize ourselves with school procedures for emergencies and deal with meltdowns which often means missing most of our break or prep. This is the only profession that is expected to work 7 hours and get paid for 5. Try pulling that stunt with a plumber, electrician, carpenter, bureaucrat, etc. It seems a sexist policy given that the profession is dominated by women.

Up 74 Down 6

Max Mack on Mar 24, 2022 at 10:51 pm

". . . a safe space in your classroom."

Surely this is a mis-speak. Every classroom must have its own safe space? How exactly would that work? Kick out the other 30 students?

Up 35 Down 40

Adam Smith on Mar 24, 2022 at 9:40 pm

And as predicted, all the current parties are tripping over themselves to support this.

Another reason I'm glad we now have a 4th option to vote for hopefully. Let's go Yukon Freedom Party!

Up 14 Down 61

ProScience Greenie on Mar 24, 2022 at 6:35 pm

Anyone with even the smallest small 'L' libertarian streak should be in full support of any and all efforts to ensure that everyone can live a life based on their own god given liberty to sit where the want on the gender and sexual orientation spectrum. Freedom and Liberty isn't easy. It sometimes means turning the other cheek to things that you may feel uncomfortable about.

And for those that complain that their tax dollars might support these initiatives... just remember that you're not the only ones paying taxes.

Up 20 Down 67

JC on Mar 24, 2022 at 6:06 pm

Every person who has commented so far is both petty and irrelevant.

Up 63 Down 9

bonanzajoe on Mar 24, 2022 at 4:59 pm

And by the way, how many people even know what those letters stand for? And how many even care?

Up 58 Down 8

bonanzajoe on Mar 24, 2022 at 4:57 pm

Governments can legislate all the laws they want for the alphabet community, but you can't rule their minds and thoughts about moral issues. Governments can't force anybody to love and accept anything or anyone. So, this problem will be around till hell freezes over. So, my advice is to just move on.

Up 99 Down 23

Wilf Carter on Mar 24, 2022 at 3:06 pm

What about supporting seniors with more money, disabilities, low income workers with less taxes to put more money in their pockets to live, cut taxes on gasoline and heating fuel, cut taxes on food and other basic needs of poor Yukoners which are growing by the 1,000's under liberal and NDP's government like Ottawa.

Up 128 Down 27

Matthew on Mar 24, 2022 at 2:25 pm

Oh please.. no one at all cares that you're gay, some how only gays care that they're gay.. safe spaces!? Entire SCHOOLS are safe places, if not, it's up to the principal and teachers to make that happen! At the end of the day, kids are mean, grow a thicker skin and move on.

Up 104 Down 14

Anie on Mar 24, 2022 at 2:12 pm

According to the recent federal NDP/Liberal agreement (to keep the Liberals in power until 2025) the previously all-encompassing "LGBTQ2S+ " is now redundant and the current politically correct phrase is "2SLGBTQQIA". Yeah, I know, it's hard to keep up. And no, I have no idea what it all stands for and please don't enlighten me because I'm old, with little time left to learn, and there are real world issues I want to think about.

Up 85 Down 13

TMYK on Mar 24, 2022 at 1:55 pm

A marginal population and a marginalized population are two very different things. The NDP and Liberals should learn the difference.

Up 114 Down 13

JustSayin' on Mar 24, 2022 at 1:52 pm

Safe spaces for all students not just those of a specific demographic and/or sexual orientation; real inclusivity.

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